To search for an instance:

  1. Select Edit > Find Instance in your console. The Find Instance dialog box displays.

  2. Fill in the fields, as described below. The fields are:

    • Manager lists the Managers to search. Select one.

      • Classes is a list of classes to search. You must select one or more classes. (To select multiple classes, press the Ctrl or Shift key while making your selections.)

      • Instance name is the instance you want to find. You can specify a complete name, a partial name with wildcard characters, or the asterisk (*) wildcard if the name is unknown and you wish to search for all instances. Appendix A, “Wildcard Patterns,” includes a list of wildcards.

  3. Click Find to start the search. The results display in a table.

    The Find Instance dialog box limits the number of "matches" that display. If more than the limit number of matches is returned, a message displays asking you to refine your search.

    The maximum number of instances that can display defaults to 1000 unless you configure the -Dcom.smarts.maxTopoInstances parameter to display more than 1000. The -Dcom.smarts.maxTopoInstances parameter limits the number of instances that are displayed in a topology tree. A new parameter, -Dcom.smarts.maxFindInstances, when configured, can override the -Dcom.smarts.maxTopoInstances parameter, for example, you can configure the value of the maxTopoInstances parameter to be a value of 3000 and the value for the maxFindInstances parameter to be a value of 500.


    The value for the FindInstances parameter is not the number of instances searched, but the number of matches to be displayed. If the maxTopoInstances parameter is configured with a value of 100, the FindInstances parameter can still return matches for a class with 150,000 instances, provided there are less than 100 "matches" for the search string among the 150,000 instances.