Log file location defines the log file locations.

Table 1. Log file location

File/ or log name


rps file

<BASEDIR>/smarts/local/repos/icf directory.

Run dmctl -s NA-SAM-PRES and invoke the ICF_PersistenceManager::ICF-PersistenceManager. Save this information before sending the rps file to ensure all notifications are saved to the rps.

SAM server log

<BASEDIR>/smarts/local/logs directory.

sm_monitor logs

<BASEDIR>/smarts/local/logs/SM_Monitor directory.

Tomcat logs

<BASEDIR>/smarts/jakarta-tomcat-5.0.16/logs directory from where tomcat started.

ics.conf file

<BASEDIR>/smarts/local/conf/ics directory.

Console logs

C:\Documents and Settings\<username>.SMARTS\Desktop\logs directory.