This section provides information on browser requirements for Web Console and Business Dashboard.

The Smarts Global Console can also be deployed as either:

  • Smarts Web Console


  • Smarts Business Dashboard
Note: Tomcat Servlet Engine version 8.5.27 is installed as part of the Web Console/ Business Dashboard. The Tomcat Servlet Engine serves the files used by the web applications.

Users who display Business Dashboard viewlets in a web browser, or want to use the Web Console, require the following software:




Google Chrome

73 or later

Refer to the release notes for the steps/workaround provided for launching in Google Chrome version till 44 and 45 or later

Internet Explorer


The browser must have JavaScript enabled.

Microsoft Edge

Microsoft Edge 44.17763.1.0

Microsoft EdgeHTML 18.17763

Mozilla Firefox

66 or later


12 or later

JRE 1.8 update 212 web browser plug-in must be installed on the client workstation. If the JRE is not installed on the client workstation, then you will be prompted to install it when you launch the Web Console or Business Dashboard.

Note: In SAM 10.1, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 and 7 use JRE 1.8 update 212.