Simple certification involves only in configure file changes and the qualification of new OID in the currently existing driver. This section describes the devices certified in this patch.

Simple devices certified in the patch:

SR /TASC Number

Vendor Name


Patch Release

SASS-14424 / 305478 Cisco Certified the following components for the Catalyst 93xx Switch Stack StackSwitchSystem (System OID: . AggregatePort, Card, Fan, Interface, Memory, Processor, Port, PowerSupply, TemperatureSensor, VLAN, and SSSChassis.
SASS-14406 / 305469 Nokia Certified the following components for the 7250-IXR Router (System OID: . Card, Fan, Interface, Memory, Processor, PowerSupply, and TemperatureSensor.
SASS-14426 / 305467 Cisco Certified the following components for the ciscoFpr4110K9 Firewall (System OID: . Card, Interface, Memory, Processor, PowerSupply, and TemperatureSensor.
SASS-14367 / 305383 Aruba Certified the following components for the MM-VA WirelessController (System OID: . Interface, Memory, Processor, Port, and VLAN.
SASS-14309 / 305382 Alcatel Certified the following components for the OmniSwitch6850E48 Switch (System OID: . Card, Fan, Interface, Memory, Processor, Port, PowerSupply, TemperatureSensor, and VLAN.
SASS-14307 / 305381 Alcatel Certified the following components for the OmniSwitch6450C48 Switch (System OID: . AggregatePort, Card, Fan, Interface, Memory, Processor, Port, PowerSupply, TemperatureSensor, and VLAN.
SASS-14341 / 305369 Radware Certified the following components for the Alteon 6024 SL Switch (System OID: . AggregatePort, Interface, and Port.
SASS-14364 / 305367 Adva Certified the following components for the AdvaFSP150XG120Pro Switch (System OID: . Fan, Interface, Port, and PowerSupply.
SASS-14329 / 305366 Juniper Certified the following components for the PTX10016 Router (System OID: . Card, CardRedundancyGroup, Fan, Interface, Memory, Processor, and TemperatureSensor.
SASS-14447 / 305361 Nokia Certified the following components for the Alcatel-ESS Router (System OID: . AggregatePort, Card, Fan, Interface, Memory, Processor, PowerSupply, TemperatureSensor, and VoltageSensor.
SASS-14332 / 305340 HP Certified the following components for the ArubaStack3810 Switch (System OID: . Fan, Interface, Memory, Processor, Port, PowerSupply, TemperatureSensor, VoltageSensor, and VLAN.
SASS-14408 / 305337 Cisco Certified the following components for the cisco887VAG4GGAK9 Router (System OID: . Card, Interface, Memory, Processor, PowerSupply, TemperatureSensor, and VLAN.
SASS-14197 / 305335 Nokia Certified the following components for the Alcatel 7750R Router (System OID: . AggregatePort, Card, CardRedundancyGroup, Fan, Interface, Memory, Processor, PowerSupply, TemperatureSensor, and VoltageSensor.
SASS-14371 / 305409 Cisco Certified the following components for the cisco897VAMGLTEGAK9 Router (System OID: . Card, Interface, Memory, Processor, PowerSupply, TemperatureSensor, and VLAN.
SASS-14423 / 305497 Cisco Certified the following components for the Cisco Catalyst9410R Switch (System OID: . ): Card , Fan, Interface, Memory, Port, PowerSupply, Processor , TempratureSensor, VoltageSensor and VLAN.
SASS-14414 / 305483 Cisco Certified the following components for the Cisco Catalyst9407R Switch (System OID: . ): Card , Fan, Interface, Memory, Port, PowerSupply, Processor , TempratureSensor, VoltageSensor and VLAN.
SASS-14453 / 305449 F5 Certified the following components for the F5BIG-IP-VPR-B4450N LoadBalancer(System OID: . AggregatePort, Disk , Fan , Interface, Memory , Port , PowerSupply , Processor, TempratureSensor and VLAN.
SASS-14302 / 305416 Dell Certified the following components for the Dell N3024EP-ON Switch(System OID: . AggregatePort, Fan, Card, Interface, Memory, Port, PowerSupply, Processor and VLAN.
SASS-14359 / 305396 Versa Certified the following components for the Versa-120 Router(System OID: Interface, Memory, and Processor.
SASS-14327 / 305371 Cisco Certified the following components for the Cisco cevChassisN5KC5672UP16G Switch (System OID: . AggregatePort, Card, Fan, FibreChannelSwitchport, Memory, Port, PowerSupply, Processor, TempratureSensor, VoltageSesnor, and VLAN.
SASS-14319 / 305365 Aruba Certified the following components for the Aruba7280 WirelessController (System OID: . Card, Fan, Interface, Memory, Port, PowerSupply, Processor, and VLAN.
SASS-14313 / 305348 Juniper Certified the following components for the Juniper VMX Router (System OID: . ): Card, Interface, Memory, and Processor.
SASS-14459/304963 Coriant Certified the following components for the groove Host (System OID: . Card, Fan, PowerSupply, and TemperatureSensor.
SASS-14461/305436 Fortinet Certified the following components for the FortiGate-6500F Firewall (System OID: . Disk, Interface, Memory, and Processor.
SASS-14454/305417 Infoblox Certified the following components for the IB-2210 Host (System OID: . Disk, Fan, FileSystem, Interface, Memory, MemoryGroup, PowerSupply, Processor, and ProcessorGroup.
SASS-14378/305415 Dell Certified the following components for the w-7030 WirelessController (System OID: . Card, Fan, Interface, Port, Memory, Processor, PowerSupply, and VLAN.
SASS-14372/305410 Tellabs Certified the following components for the Tellabs 1150 FP29.0 GPON Switch (System OID: . FileSystem, Memory, Port, Processor, and VLAN.
SASS-14386/305402 Cisco Certified the following components for the cevChassisDSC9134 Switch (System OID: . Card, Fan, Interface, FCSwitchPort, Memory, PowerSupply, Processor, and TemperatureSensor.
SASS-14383/305395 Avaya Certified the following components for the Avaya Session Border Controller for Enterprise Host (System OID: . FileSystem, Interface, Memory, MemoryGroup, Processor, and ProcessorGroup.
SASS-14344/305394 Dell Certified the following components for the dellN4064Switch Switch (System OID: . Card, Fan, Interface, Memory, Port, PowerSupply, Processor, and VLAN.
SASS-14381/305392 Fortinet Certified the following components for the fg900D Firewall (System OID: . Disk, Fan, Interface, Memory, PowerSupply, Processor, TemperatureSensor, and VoltageSensor.
SASS-14361/305346 Cisco Certified the following components for the cisco2911 Router (System OID: . Fan, Interface, Memory, PowerSupply, Processor, TemperatureSensor, VoltageSensor, and VLAN.
SASS-14321/305320 Cisco Certified the following components for the C1121X-8PLTEP Router (System OID: . Card, Interface, Memory, Port, PowerSupply, Processor, TemperatureSensor, and VLAN.
SASS-14299/305277 BlueCoat Certified the following components for the sgxen Host (System OID: . Disk, Interface, Memory, MemoryGroup, Processor, and ProcessorGroup.
SASS-14334/305269 CheckPoint Certified the following components for the 6800 Firewall (System OID: . Disk, Fan, FileSystem, Interface, Memory, PowerSupply, Processor, TemperatureSensor, and VoltageSensor.
SASS-14303/305248 CheckPoint Certified the following components for the 6500 Firewall (System OID: . Fan, FileSystem, Interface, Memory, PowerSupply, Processor, TemperatureSensor, and VoltageSensor.
SASS-14314/305222 PAN Certified the following components for the panPA-VM Firewall (System OID: . Disk, Interface, Memory, and Processor.