Complex certifications involve recertification, new device certifications, and involve new driver creations or multiple file changes. This section describes the devices certified in this patch.

Description of complex devices certified in the patch

SR /TASC Number

Vendor Name


Patch Release

SASS-14392 / 305401 Vyatta Certified the following components for the Vyatta-v5600-5G Router (System OID: . FileSystem, Interface, Memory, Processor, and ProcessorGroup.
SASS-14163 / 305359 Opengear Certified the following components for the ogIM72xx TerminalServer (System OID: . Interface, Memory, TemperatureSensor, and VoltageSensor.
SASS-14390/305473 Cisco Certified the following components for the cevChassisMdsDSC9216AK9 FibreChannelSwitch (System OID: . Card, Fan, Port, Memory, PowerSupply, Processor, and TemperatureSensor.
SASS-14402/305451 VMware Certified the following components for the vmwESX Host (System OID: . Disk, FileSystem, Interface, Memory, MemoryGroup, Processor, and ProcessorGroup.
SASS-14396/305425 Arbor Certified the following components for the peakflowTmsMIB Host (System OID: . Disk, Interface, Memory, MemoryGroup, Processor, and ProcessorGroup.
SASS-14431/305423 Cisco Certified the following components for the cevChassisDSC9509 FibreChannelSwitch (System OID: . Card, Fan, Interface, Memory, Port, PowerSupply, Processor, and TemperatureSensor.
SASS-14428/305334 Nokia Certified the following components for the 7750 SR Router (System OID: . AggregatePort, Card, CardRedundancyGroup, Fan, Interface, Memory, Port, PowerSupply, Processor, TemperatureSensor, and VoltageSensor.