By default, the Topology Split Manager is configured to split the topology into two domains named AM001 and AM002. The name of a domain and the name of the IP Availability Manager that is managing the domain are the same name.

You can edit the topo-split.conf file to change these names or to configure additional IP Availability Managers as destinations for the Topology Split Manager. The parameter definitions to be edited in the topo-split.conf file are:


The name of each IP Availability Manager to which the topology will be split must be specified in the topo-split.conf file.

To change the default IP Availability Manager names, or to add additional IP Availability Managers as destinations for the Topology Split Manager:

  1. Go to the TSM_BASEDIR/smarts/bin directory and enter the following command to open the topo-split.conf file:

                   sm_edit conf/discovery/topo-split/topo-split.conf
  2. Find the following parameter definitions at the end of the file:

  3. Change AM001 to the name of your first IP Availability Manager destination, and change AM002 to the name of your second IP Availability Manager destination.

  4. To specify additional IP Availability Manager destinations, copy and paste a DOMAINNAME=<DomainName> line for each IP Availability Manager, and then change <DomainName> to the name of the IP Availability Manager.

  5. Save and close the file.

    The modified version of the topo-split.conf file is saved to the BASEDIR/smarts/local/conf/discovery/topo-split directory.

    When topology split is invoked, the Topology Split Manager loads the topo-split.conf file.