The VMware Smart Assurance IP Manager Concepts Guideand the VMware Smart Assurance IP Manager User Guidedescribe the various discovery methods for an IP Manager. Because the Topology Split Manageris a specially configured instance of an IP Manager, all of the discovery methods are available to the Topology Split Manager.

You can use any of the following methods to initiate a discovery in the Topology Split Manager. Be aware that if the NumberOfDomains configuration parameter is set, any of these discovery methods will trigger a topology split in the Topology Split Manager.

  • From a Domain Manager Administration Console that is attached to the Topology Split Manager:

    • Select Topology >Import from seed file, or click the Import from seedfile toolbar button ( ), to import a seed file that lists the seed devices that are to be added to the Topology Split Manager’s topology.

      This method is used to add a large number of devices. It is typically used to perform a full discovery, but can also be used to perform an incremental discovery if a large number of new devices have been added to the managed IP network.

    • Select Topology >Ad d A gent, or click the Add Agenttoolbar button ( ), to add seed devices to the Topology Split Manager’s topology one at a time.

      This method is used to add a small number of devices. It is typically used to perform an incremental discovery.

    • Select Topology >Discover Allto rediscover all managed devices in the Topology Split Manager’s repository, and to discover the devices on the Topology Split Manager’s Pending Devices list.

    • Select Topology >Discover Pendingto discover just the devices on the Topology Split Manager’s Pending Devices list.

    • Right-click a device on the Topology Split Manager’s Pending Devices list and then select Rediscoverfrom the pop-up menu to rediscover that device.

    • Click a device in the Topology Split Manager’s topology tree and then select Topology >Rediscover to rediscover that device. You can also rediscover a device by right-clicking it and selecting Rediscoverfrom the pop-up menu.

  • From the command line:

    • Go to the TSM_BASEDIR/smarts/bin directory and enter the following command to start the Topology Split Manager, import a seed file that lists the seed devices that are to be added to the topology, and initiate a discovery:

                           sm_server --name=<
      								TSM name>
                              --bootstrap=bootstrap-tsm.conf --seedfile=<
      								seed file name>
      								      --ignore-restore-errors --noreconfigure --output --daemon
                           dmctl -s <
      								TSM name>
                               ICF_TopologyManager::ICF-TopologyManager importFromFile
      								seed file name>
      								sm_tpmgr -s <
      								TSM name>
      								seed file name>
    • Go to the TSM_BASEDIR/smarts/bin directory and enter the following command to rediscover all managed devices in the Topology Split Manager’s repository, and to discover the devices on the Topology Split Manager’s Pending Devices list:

                           dmctl -s<
      								TSM name>
                              ICF_TopologyManager::ICF-TopologyManager discoverAll
    • Go to the TSM_BASEDIR/smarts/bin directory and enter the following command to discover just the devices on the Topology Split Manager’s Pending Devices list:

                           dmctl -s<
      								TSM name>
                              ICF_TopologyManager::ICF-TopologyManager discoverPending