The Topology Split Manager performs the following tasks to synchronize the topology of an IP Availability Manager with the topology that is assigned to the IP Availability Manager by the topology-split algorithm:

  • Creates and populates a table with the devices that are listed in the “Add Seeds” section of the domain’s seed file, and then adds those devices to the Pending Devices list of the IP Availability Manager.

  • Creates and populates a table with the devices that are listed in the “Outdated Seeds” section of the domain’s seed file, and then removes those devices and their instrumentation objects from the IP Availability Manager’s repository.

    In this release, the TopoSplit_Manager can no longer be configured to initiate IP Availability Manager pending discovery at the end of topology synchronization. The pending discovery will occur at the beginning of the next scheduled automatic pending discovery, or will occur when a user manually invokes pending discovery from the command line or the Global Console. See Chapter 3, “Initiating Discovery and Topology Split,” for more information about initiating IP Availability Manager pending discovery.