When operating in normal mode and topology split is invoked, the Topology Split Manager performs either a full topology split or an incremental topology split. The value of the IsSplitFromScratch configuration parameter determines the type of topology split:

  • When IsSplitFromScratch is TRUE (default), the Topology Split Manager performs a full topology split.

    For a full topology split, the Topology Split Manager splits the topology into as many domains as specified in the NumberOfDomains configuration parameter and then clears IsSplitFromScratch (sets IsSplitFromScratch to FALSE).

  • When IsSplitFromScratch is FALSE, the Topology Split Manager performs an incremental topology split.

    For an incremental topology split, the Topology Split Manager applies incremental topology updates to an existing topology split, which might result in the moving of some devices from one domain to another in an attempt to improve the split.

    A full Topology split should be run only for an initial full discovery or after a major network redesign. Incremental topology split should be used for normal topology updates. Chapter 3, “Initiating Discovery and Topology Split,” describes full and incremental topology splits in more detail.