Before invoking a topology split, a user edits a file named topo-split.conf to specify the names of the domains into which the topology will be split, and edits a file named tsm.conf (or invokes dmctl commands) to control the following aspects of the topology split:

  • Enable the topology split

    The associated configuration parameter is NumberOfDomains (Default: 1).

  • Select an operating mode for the topology split: normal mode or trial learning mode

    The associated configuration parameters are:

    • IsTrialLearningEnabled (Default: FALSE)

    • NumberOfTrials (Default: 3)

  • Configure operating features for the topology split

    The associated configuration parameters are:

    • IsSplitFromScratch (Default: TRUE)

    • IsTopoSyncEnabled (Default: FALSE)

    • EnableAutoEdgeManagement (Default: FALSE)

    • IsTSMHookEnabled (Default: FALSE)

  • Fine tune the topology-split algorithm

    The associated configuration parameters are:

    • AdapterHighWaterMark (Default: 100000)

    • DeviceHighWaterMark (Default: 5000)




    • NumberOfRetries (Default: 3)

      By default, topology split is disabled because the default value of the NumberOfDomains configuration parameter is 1. To enable topology split, a user must set NumberOfDomains to the number of domains that are specified in the topo-split.conf file. That number must be greater than 1.

      The tsm.conf file and the topology-split configuration parameters are described in “Description of tsm.conf” on page 52. The topo-split.conf file and the “DOMAINNAME” configuration parameter are described in “Description of topo-split.conf” on page 59.

      Chapter 2, Configuring the Topology Split Manager, identifies the configuration tasks in a Topology Split Manager deployment and provides the procedures for completing those tasks.