VoIP Availability Manager relies on the topology, topology updates, and topology status updates received from IP Availability Manager to discover and monitor VoIP infrastructure devices, VoIP applications, and VoIP application services.

VoIP Availability Manager consists of up to five major components:

  • VoIP Core

    This component runs all of the installed vendor-specific enablement packs in a single-server process. It collects topology and status-update information from IP Availability Manager and the enablement packs to build and update a topology data model of the managed VoIP network; it uses the data model to perform root-cause and impact analysis.

  • VMware Smart Assurance VoIP Integration Pack for VoIP Performance Manager (VoIP Performance Manager Integration Pack)

    This optional component responsible for discovering and monitoring VoIP Performance Manager topology and setting topology status in the topology data model. The VoIP Performance Manager Integration Pack enables you to integrate an installed VMware Smart Assurance VoIP Performance Manager with VoIP Availability Manager.

    The VoIP Performance Manager Integration Pack uses traps generated by the VoIP Performance Manager and sends performance metrics in the form of traps to VoIP Availability Manager. The traps are used by VoIP Availability Manager to update performance-type attributes in the classes of the VoIP Availability Manager data model.

  • VMware Smart Assurance Enablement Pack for Avaya (Avaya Enablement Pack)

    An optional component responsible for discovering and monitoring Avaya VoIP topology and setting topology status in the topology data model. The Avaya Enablement Pack uses SNMP Management Information Base (MIB) discovery to discover the topology, and uses SNMP polling results and received SNMP traps to update the status of the discovered topology.

  • VMware Smart Assurance Enablement Pack for Cisco (Cisco Enablement Pack)

    An optional component responsible for discovering and monitoring Cisco VoIP topology and setting topology status in the topology data model. The Cisco Enablement Pack uses SNMP MIB and SOAP to discover the topology, and uses the polling results to update the status of the discovered topology.

  • VMware Smart Assurance Enablement Pack for Nortel (Nortel Enablement Pack)

    An optional component responsible for discovering and monitoring Nortel VoIP topology and setting topology status in the topology data model. The Nortel Enablement Pack uses SNMP and Command Line Interface (CLI) to discover the topology, and uses received SNMP traps to update the status of the discovered topology.


    During a VoIP Availability Manager installation, a user must install at least one enablement pack and the VoIP Performance Manager Integration Pack. The VoIP Performance Manager Integration Pack is needed when the VoIP Performance Manager is installed.

    Upon importing the initial VoIP-enabled device topology from IP Availability Manager, VoIP Availability Manager performs its own SNMP, SOAP, and CLI discovery to query the managed devices for VoIP topology information. Upon building its VoIP topology data model, VoIP Availability Manager exports the topology to the Global Manager.

    VoIP Availability Manager monitors the status of the discovered VoIP topology objects and subscribes to certain network topology object status (attributes) from IP Availability Manager. It analyzes the received status to identify VoIP device and application availability problems and impacts, and exports the results of its analysis to the Global Manager.

    In addition, if Business Impact Manager Integration is enabled, VoIP Availability Manager associates VoIP objects with Business objects by using the BIM model. VoIP Availability Manager exports these objects to the Global Manager for subsequent impact analysis by Business Impact Manager.