The SNMP discovery probes in the vendor-specific configuration file (avaya.conf file, cisco.conf file, or nortel.conf file) poll certain MIB objects on the devices to collect VoIP and relationship information.

The SNMP discovery probes in the VOIP.import file poll the Host Resources MIB, System Application (sys appl) MIB, and Systems MIB objects on the managed devices to discover what VoIP processes are running on the devices. For example, on a target VoIP Performance Manager node, a probe will discover VoIP Performance Manager by discovering its two processes, one of which is named irpromgs.exe and is deemed critical.


VoIP Availability Manager uses a multi-threaded SNMP discovery probe. MIB discovery may run in multiple concurrent threads. You can configure the NumberOfProbeThreads parameter in the voip.conf file to speed up the process. VMware Smart Assurance VoIP Availability Manager Configuration Guide provides describes the NumberOfProbeThreads parameter.

If a probe of a device is successful, VoIP Availability Manager creates an object for each discovered VoIP entity and places the objects in its repository. Examples of discovered VoIP entities are VoIP applications, network services, and processes.

If the probe is not successful, VoIP Availability Manager places the name of the probe (the name includes the name of the device that the probe is probing) on its Pending Elements list. Chapter 4, “Understanding Discovery Results,” provides information about discovery errors and the Pending Elements list.