Integrating VoIP Performance Manager with VoIP Availability Manager consists of the following steps:
Specifying information in the VoIP Availability Manager domain.conf file as described in “Automatically configuring the PMT-THRESHOLD process” on page 38 to identify the VoIP Performance Manager’s IP address and GUI location.
As an alternative, the manual steps to configure the PMT-THRESHOLD process are provided in Appendix A, “Manual Method: Configuring Integration.”
“Enabling the VoIP Availability Manager built-in trap receiver� on page 40 to receive and process VoIP Performance Manager traps that convey performance data.
“Controlling the processing of VoIP Performance Manager traps� on page 40 through parameter settings in the voip.conf file.
“Customizing performance polling and thresholds� on page 41 through a Polling and Thresholds Console attached to VoIP Availability Manager.
Note:For discussion purposes, the term PMT-THRESHOLD process refers to the VoIP threshold process with the naming convention PMT<IPv4Address> where IPv4Address is the VoIP Performance Manager’s IPv4 address.