Use the following steps to add distributed system hosts:
If you choose Standard Security mode during AS installation, copy lockb.ekey from [product directory]/data in the AS to [product directory]/data on the remote server (DS or Database).
If you chose Advanced Security mode during AS installation:
On the Application server, go to [Product directory]/bin directory.
Source the voyence.conf file
source /etc/voyence.conf
Add distributed system hosts to the lockbox using the cstdriver utility:
./cstdriver -lockbox [Product directory]/data/lockb.clb -passphrase <passphrase> -addHost <FQDN of Database server> ./cstdriver -lockbox [Product directory]/data/lockb.clb -passphrase <passphrase> -addHost <FQDN> ./cstdriver -lockbox [Product directory]/data/lockb.clb -passphrase <passphrase> -addHost <FQDN of Device server>
Go to [Product directory]/data directory.
Copy the lockbox file to any directory on each of the distributed system hosts.
For example:
scp lockb.clb Host2_DB_Server:/root/ scp lockb.clb Host3_RA_Server:/root/ scp lockb.clb Host3_Device_Server:/root/
Change the lockb.clb file permission to root:cst using the command:
chown root:cst [Product directory]/data/lockb.clb
Restart all Network Configuration Manager services.