1. Login to NCM Application server from which you want to backup database, and then set the VOYENCE_HOME environment variable.

    For example, in Linux, execute the following command:

    source /etc/voyence.conf

  2. Stop the tomcat service running on the remote RA server.

  3. Take the backup of database by using the backup.pl script under the <VOYENCE_HOME>/tools directory.

    The script creates a “backup-image-.*.tgz” file under the VOYENCE_HOME>/data-image directory.


    If you have Smarts Adapter configured with SMARTS IP and SAM, the backup.pl script will also backup the Smarts Adapter data.

  4. Copy the “backup-image-.*.tgz” file to a host where a new NCM Application server is installed. The backup file can be copied under any directory.

  5. Login to the new NCM Application server setup, and then execute the following command:

    source /etc/voyence.conf

  6. Execute the following command from the <VOYENCE_HOME>/tools directory if you are restoring database across same NCM version:

    perl restore.pl <Absolute path to backup image file /backup-image-.*.tgz>

  7. Execute the following command from the <VOYENCE_HOME>/tools directory if you are restoring database on higher NCM version:

    perl restore.pl <Absolute path to backup image file /backup-image-.*.tgz> --force

  8. Update the InfraDB entry with Device server host names and IP addresses. To update the InfraDB entry, perform the following steps:

  9. From the <VOYENCE_HOME>, execute the following command:

    \cgi-bin\cflist.cgi > cflist.txt

  10. Edit the cflist.txt to change all Device server FQDN and IP address to the new Device server FQDN and IP address.

    For example, POP 1000 "<HOSTNAME>" NetList= RsrcList= DevList=1001,1002 EmsList= : ADDR="<IPADDRESS"

  11. Execute the following command. It must return 'Status: 200 Success'.

    \cgi-bin\cfwrite.cgi < cflist.txt

  12. On the new Application server, go to the <VOYENCE_HOME>/bin directory, and then add all distributed Device servers to the lockbox using cstdriver utility:

  13. cstdriver -lockbox <VOYENCE_HOME>/data/lockb.clb -passphrase <passphrase> -addHost <FQDN of Device server>

  14. cstdriver -lockbox <VOYENCE_HOME>/data/lockb.clb -passphrase <passphrase> -addHost <FQDN>

  15. Restart the vcmaster service in the Application server host.

  16. Copy and replace the <VOYENCE_HOME>/data/lockb.clb file from Application server host to all Device server host under <VOYENCE_HOME>/data/lockb.clb.

  17. Change the ownership of the lockb.clb file to root:cst using the command:

    chown root:cst lockb.clb
  18. Change the file permissions of the lockb.clb file to 640 using the command:

    chmod 640 lockb.clb
  19. Copy and replace the following from the old Device server to new Device server:

    • <VOYENCE_HOME>/data/devserver/configuration/ad_nextIdx

      • <VOYENCE_HOME>/data/devserver/configuration/ad_numIdxIHavefiles

  20. Change the ownership of both the files to root:voyence using the commands:

    chown root:voyence ad_nextIdx
    chown root:voyence ad_numIdxIHavefiles
  21. Change the file permissions of both the files to 660 using the commands:

    chmod 660 ad_nextIdx
    chmod 660 ad_numIdxIHavefiles
  22. Restart the vcmaster service in all distributed Device server hosts.

  23. Change the ownership of the lockb.clb file to root:cst using the command:

    chown root:cst lockb.clb
  24. Change the file permissions of the lockb.clb file to 640 using the command:

    chmod 640 lockb.clb
  25. To update all Device server FQDN in cm_device_server table in the database, do the following:

  26. Login to NCM UI, and then navigate to Tools > System Administration > Global > Access > Device Servers.

  27. Select each Device server, and then click Edit.

  28. In the Edit Device Server window, click OK.


    Run the following command from [Product directory]\db\controldb\bin:

    psql.exe -h -d voyencedb -U pgdba -p 5435 -c "update cm_device_server set device_server_name='Device_Server_name';" 
  29. If you have Smarts Adapter configured in your previous NCM setup, follow these steps:

    On Linux

  30. Stop the NCM Smarts Adapter service.

    service ncmsmartsadapter stop

  31. Change the directory to $VOYENCE_HOME/NCMSmartsAdapter/.

  32. Open and edit the prodDb.script file, so that VOYENCE_CONFIGURATION table is populated with actual AS host name, as follows:

  33. Search for

    INSERT INTO VOYENCE_CONFIGURATION VALUES (1,4,TRUE,'auth.conf','2','10000','linbgh125.lss.vmware.com','jUpFF0M5HQuOdJUqIYKo0w==','sysadmin')

  34. Replace the old Application server host name with new Application server host name.

    For example, replace 'linbgh125.lss.vmware.com' with '<new Application server host name>'.

  35. Start the NCM Smarts Adapter service.

    service ncmsmartsadapter start

  36. Stop the NCM Smarts Adapter service.

    sc stop VcSmarts (DOS command)

  37. Change the directory to %VOYENCE_HOME%/NCMSmartsAdapter/.

  38. Open and edit the prodDb.script file, so that VOYENCE_CONFIGURATION table is populated with actual AS host name, as follows:

  39. Search for

    INSERT INTO VOYENCE_CONFIGURATION VALUES (1,4,TRUE,'auth.conf','2','10000','linbgh125.lss.vmware.com','jUpFF0M5HQuOdJUqIYKo0w==','sysadmin')

  40. Replace the old Application server host name with new Application server host name.

    For example, replace 'linbgh125.lss.vmware.com' with '<new Application server host name>'.

  41. Start the NCM Smarts Adapter service.

    sc start VcSmarts (DOS command)