1. On the main screen, select Configure next to the NCM API Connection line. The next screen displays the values for which the adapter is currently configured.

  2. The following values can be configured for the Network Configuration ManagerPublic API:

    • Username / Password – this should be a separate user that has been created through Network Configuration Manager, with full access rights

    • Host Name – the IP address of the Network Configuration ManagerApplication server

    • Auth Conf Location– only modify this field if you are familiar with the authentication mechanism of Network Configuration Manager, or if you are specifically instructed to by a qualified support engineer.

    • Cxn Retries– once the adapter tests have passed, it is advisable to reset this value to 5 retries

    • Cxn Retry Interval– this is in milliseconds, so a value of 10,000 is equal to 10 seconds

  3. When you are satisfied with the values in the configuration, click Update located in the bottom left of the screen.

  4. Click Home (at any time) to return to the main screen.

    Once you have successfully configured the connections, note that Event Notifications will flow from Network Configuration Managerto Smarts Manager. However, until synchronization is performed, events will not necessarily be associated with devices in SAM.

    The connection is not continuously monitored after the initial synchronization. Therefore, it is possible to see this connection in a Test Failed state if the adapter has been running for a while in Active Synchronization mode. This does not affect the operation of the adapter. If you are performing a batch synchronization operation and find the connection down, update to re-establish the connection.