The following device issues have been discovered with other releases. A resolution is included to address the issue, if available.

Nortel Passport 8600 - Syntax/Constraint Violations

  • Passport configurations may contain syntax or other constraint violations that prevent the configuration from being pushed to the device. These syntax constraint violations are part of the configuration retrieved from the device. Be aware you may have to correct the constraint violations when configuration pushes occur.

    The Schedule Manager shows the last ten lines of the configuration push, including the devices response to aid in this effort.

    Nortel Passport 8600 - Unable to Config Push to Nortel Passport 8600

  • Some of the commands in the Nortel Passport 8600 device require privileged permission to modify. Access using the RWA (Read Write All) account is required. If one attempts to push the running config with a lower privileged account (e.g. Manager) the push will fail.

    For example the mac-flap-time-limit is a privileged command and attempting to push it causes the Nortel Passport 8600 device to give a Permission Denied error.

    Nortel Passport 8100 - Config Push fails

  • Issue: When executing a configuration push to the Nortel Passport 8000 Series device, the configuration push may not be successful due to lines present in the device configuration that are not valid configuration commands for the device.

  • Resolution: Determine the correct device configuration command for that particular configuration entry, and then push this command using the Configlet Editor.