Access to the Credentials Configuration is through the Credentials Manager .

At the Network Credentials Configuration Level

At this level, you are provided the options to determine the credentials that need to be used for communication with the device. This includes scheduled jobs, a well as synchronous operations targeted on a device, such as cut-through, quick commands, and more.  

  • The Scheduled tab refers to the jobs that can be scheduled to run (with the exception of Auto Discovery and Pulls).

  • The Non-Scheduled tab refers to those operations (Cut-Through, Quick Commands, and Save Commands, for example) that are not scheduled.

When the Use Global Credentials Configuration Option is not selected, your options can be selected from the Scheduled and Non Scheduled tabs. If selected, there are no other options available to you from these tabs.

You can select from the following options:

 The Scheduled Tab

Users Static Device Assignment

  • Uses Static Device Assignment - If Uses Static Device Assignment is selected- this indicates to the system to use the Shared Credentials assigned at the device level within a network. This is the default option.

Use Login Credentials

  • Use Login Credential s - When Use Login Credentials is selected - this indicates to the system to use the user's application login account as the device credentials (the account name/account password).

You have the choice to select any of the options of when the user's are now prompted to enter account and password information before completing tasks.  

  • You can select to Use the Global Credentials Configuration Option

  • You can also select to Allow Credentials Override

Important: In some cases where a job may be scheduled in the future, the user's login credentials may need to be preserved until the job executes (to construct the device server request). These credentials must be discarded immediately after the task request is sent to the device server. You must pay attention to jobs with "Preserve Order" selected, as each task execution depends on the success of the previous task in the list (the credentials must be preserved until the last task executes).
  • You can select to Prompt for Privilege Password

To determine whose credentials are to be used for jobs, the following options are available for each run option as applicable, one of which must be selected:

  • Use Submitter Credentials – In case of scheduled operations, the system uses the submitter's credentials. This includes any job submission through "Submit" button on the scheduler. 

  • Use Approver Credentials – In case of jobs, the system uses the approver's credentials. This includes any job submission through –Approve&Submit– button on the scheduler or the  "Approve" icon on the Schedule Manager.

  • Use Operator Credentials (in case of jobs whose run option is "Run Operator Initiated") – In case of jobs, the system uses the credentials of the user attempting to manually execute the job.

In case of non-scheduled operations, the login credentials of the user executing the operation will be used and above options are redundant. 

 If Prompt User is selected from this window , see the following information.

Prompt User

  • Prompts User - When Prompts User is selected - this indicates to the system that the user is to be prompted for the credentials before the device operation , based on the following options: Account Password, and Privilege Password.

To determine whose prompts are to be used for jobs, the following options are available for each run option as applicable, one of which must be selected:

  • Run on Approval

  • Prompts on Submit  - Prompts at the time the job is submitted for "Pending Approval"

  • Prompts on Approval - Prompts at the time the job is Approved

  • Run Operator Initiated

  • Prompts on Submit - Prompts at the time the job is submitted for "Pending Approval"

  • Prompts on Approve -  Prompts at the time the job is Approved

  • Prompts on Manual Execute - Prompts at the time the job is manually executed.

  • Run Scheduled Time / Run Next MW / Run as Recurring Series

  • Prompts on Submit  - Prompts at the time the job is submitted for "Pending Approval"

  • Prompts on Approval - Prompts at the time the job is Approved

Note: You also have the option of selecting Invalidate Credentials on Job Modification . If this is selected, after a job is edited, any credential associated with that job is now invalid.
  1. After making your selections from the various options, click Apply to apply your credential choices.

  2. Read the system message carefully to fully understand your selection to apply the changes you have made, then select Yes to Continue.

  3. If applicable, click Yes at the Confirmation message.

The Non-Scheduled Tab

The Non-Scheduled tab refers to those operations (Cut-Through, Quick Commands, and Save Commands, for example) that are not scheduled to run.

Users Static Device Assignment

  • Uses Static Device Assignment - If Uses Static Device Assignment is selected- this indicates to the system to use the Network Shared Credentials assigned at the device level within a network. This is the default option.

Use Login Credentials

  • Use Login Credentials - When Use Login Credentials is selected - this indicates to the system to use the user's application login account as the device credentials (the account name/account password).

You can select to have the user prompted for their Privilege Password information before completing tasks.

  • You can also select Prompt User from this window.

Prompt User

Prompt User - When Prompt User is selected - this indicates to the system that the user is to be prompted for the credentials before the device operation , based on the following options: Account Password, and Privilege Password.