The Config Editor is designed for editing a single, full configuration file that affects one or more devices.

  • The Config editor is accessible when the Config icon is active, for example, in a workspace's toolbar by right-clicking a device, and selecting Editor -> Config from the menu.

  • It is also available by double-clicking a single device.

This editor allows you to open one or more instances of the config editor for multiple devices.

To open one or more config files, use one of these methods:

  • If you are using the Table layout to view devices, select devices from the table.

  • If you are using the Diagram view, select the devices.  In a Table layout, a series of devices can be selected by holding down the Shift key while selecting devices.

  • In a Table or Diagram layout, select multiple devices can be selected by holding the Ctrl key while selecting devices.

  1. In either layout, right-click on the last selected device . The right-click menu opens.

  2. Select Editors, then Config. The Config Editor window opens. Or, once you have selected the devices, in the menu bar click the Config icon.


When multiple devices are selected, each device's Config is opened in a tabbed format, allowing you to toggle between configs. For consistency, text can be Cut, Copied, and Pasted between the editors as needed.
