RSA Token Tools

There are multiple RSA Token Tools available in Network Configuration Manager for diagnostics, testing, and bulk tasks.

RSA Authentication Manager Tools        

RSA Authentication Manager Activity Monitors such as the real time Authentication Activity Monitor web page. This can be used to monitor authentication attempts to the RSA Authentication Manager.

Network Configuration Manager RSA Token Service Tool

The Network Configuration Manager RSA Token Service Tool is available in the [Product_Home]/tools directory on the Network Configuration Manager RSA Token Server to perform various tasks. To run the Network Configuration Manager RSA Token Service Tool, run the NCMRSATokenService.exe application installed on the token server.


NCMRSATokenService [-i | -p | -u | -h | -deleteAllKnownTokens | -importTokens directoryPath |-deleteToken]

i: install as a windows service

p: run as a windows process

u: uninstall as a windows service

h: this help

importTokens <dir>: importTokens from dir

deleteAllKnownTokens: delete all known tokens

deleteToken <tokenSerialNumber>: delete specific token

Network Configuration Manager RSA Token Server Instrumentation Data Web Page

The Network Configuration Manager RSA Token Server Instrumentation Data Web Page provides information on current usage and available statistics for soft tokens on the Network Configuration Manager RSA Token Server.

To access the Network Configuration Manager RSA Token Server Instrumentation Data Web Page, navigate to one the following addresses.

  • If your Network Configuration Manager RSA Token Server is setup using http, use the following address: http://<VCTokenServerIPAddress>:18001, where <VCTokenServerIPAddress> is the IP Address of your Network Configuration Manager RSA Token Server.

  • If your Network Configuration Manager RSA Token Server is setup using https, use the following address: https://<VCTokenServerIPAddress>:18001, where <VCTokenServerIPAddress> is the IP Address of your Network Configuration Manager RSA Token Server.

Network Configuration Manager RSA Token Service Client Tool

The Network Configuration Manager RSA Token Service Client Tool is available in the [Product_Home]/tools directory on Network Configuration Manager Device Server. This tool communicates with the token server to get information.


<NCMRSATokenTester> [-getpasscode <tokenSerialNumber> [pin]|-getinstrdata|-performancetestgetcode <numThreads> <callsPerthread> <rsatokenfile>]


  • getinstrdata: Returns instrumentation data as a token server web page in plain text format on the command line.

  • performancetestgetcode: Used to test performance of token code generation on multiple threads. Token serial numbers have to be provided in XML formatted token file.

  • getpasscode: Returns the pass-code and token code of the supplied serial number. A pin is optional based on the token setup.