Network Configuration Manager provides an alternative interface (to the user interface), allowing you to complete the following tasks, via the Command Line:  

  • Importing Credentials
  • Importing Users
  • Importing Groups
  • Importing Sites
  • Exporting Credentials
  • Decrypting Credential Logs
  • Setting the number of Devices
  • Auto Discovery
  • Importing Devices

The Command Line Interface allows you to use command line operations to import and export credentials, and to decrypt Credential Logs generated by password roll outs. It also allows you to import devices and Auto Discover devices.

Important Variables Information!

To begin using the Bulk commands, and to set the $VOYENCE_HOME variable, you must first enter the following command:

. /etc/voyence.conf

After you have entered the above command, you can then use the $VOYENCE_HOME variable.

Security Permissions

Ensure you have the following permissions to successfully complete any Command Line Interface tasks.

  • To work with Global credentials , you must have System Administrator security access.

  • Systems Administration functions: are intended for access by any user that has been given VoyencControl system administrator, network administrator, or user administrator privileges. The system administrator can create or delete networks, manage device servers and devices, create and edit system users, and create authorization policies between users, groups, and networks. System Administrators can see and alter information about any network in the VoyencControl application.  

  • To work with Network credentials , you must have System Administrator, Network Administrator, and View Device Passwords on Devices security access.

Network Administration functions: are limited to those networks to which you are assigned, or that you create. Network Administrators cannot see or manage any networks that they do not have specific permissions to access; manage users, groups, and network authorizations; or edit system global information.

Important Syntax Information - for Global Credentials

You must include the syntax global: in each credential name.

For example, if you have 2 global credentials, you must use the global: for each c_name. Such as, global: c_credentialname1, global: c_credentialname2.

Available Commands

The following is a listing of the available Command Line Interface commands. If you need to review this list from the actual command line, enter help, then press Enter,and the list displays showing the syntax needed for each of the commands.  

importCredentials [snmpv3] <scope> <credFile> <update>

exportCredentials [snmpv3] <scope>  

seedAD <network name> <device server name> <Discovery type> hostfile <credentials>  

importDevices <network name> <device server name> devicesCSVFile <updateFlag>  

decryptCredentials <credentialsRollOutLogFileName> <outputFileName>

importUsers inputfile

importGroups inputfile

importSites <network name> inputfile


help <cmd name>

Creating Command Files

To work with these commands, you must first ensure that specific files needed to process these commands have been created. For example, to successfully complete Importing Credentials , you must have the <credFile> file created to enter the credFile name within the syntax of the command.

Creating a credFile

The following is an example of credFile content used to import credentials using the importCredentials command.



Credfiles Rules

Following is a sample of the information from the various columns (shown in the csv file), that must be provided, based on the credential type. Column 1 (Credential Name), and Column 2 (Credential Type) are mandatory

Credential Type

 Mandatory Column Names




  • SECURE(PrivPassOnly)

