The device state is displayed in the table format of the Devices View. Note that there are "flags" or icons that indicate the status of the device.

You can remove Compliant and Non-Compliant flags from the Devices view, and not have them visible. This will be in effect until you logout, and login again to Network Configuration Manager.

For example, this icon noncomplianticon alerts you that this device is in a Non-compliant state.

To remove a Compliant or Non-Compliant flag from the Device View State column, complete the following steps:

  1. Create a test policy containing both a Standard and a Test. This then makes the device Non-Compliant.

  2. Create a revision on that device.

  3. After the push is completed, refresh the devices view.

  4. Now, create a dummy policy (without Standards included).

  5. Select the device, then right-click the Non-Compliant device to get to the right-click menu. Select System from the Look In: drop-down arrow. Now, click O pen. From the Select Item window, select the dummy policy you created, and click Select Item. At the confirmation message, click Yes to continue. The flag marking that device as Non-Compliant is now removed.