The Configlet Editor is used to edit whole or partial configurations that are Pushed to the network. When a single device is selected, one editor window opens. If more than one device is selected, the single editor session contains the selected devices listed in the Devices Column.

You can access the Configlet editor:

  • From the Table layout in the Devices View, or, if you are using the Diagram view, select the Devices.

  • In either layout, right-click on the last selected device. The right-click menu opens.

Note: In a Table layout, a series of devices can be selected by holding down the Shift-key while selecting devices. Or, i n a Table or Diagram layout, multiple devices can be selected by holding the Ctrl key while selecting devices.

Select Editors, then Configlet. The Configlet Editor window opens. Or, in the menu bar, click the Configlet icon.