The following error messages can appear when installing Network Configuration Manager on a Windows Server.

Error Message


When trying to install Network Configuration Manager, the following error message is displayed:

ERROR: registry editing has been disabled by the administrator

Although, the userid used to install NCM was a member of the Administrators group, there was a Global Policy in place that disabled access to registry editing tools.

To resolve this issue:

Select Start > Run > gpedit.msc > User Configuration > Administrative Templates > System > Prevent access to registry editing tools, right Click and select Properties and set it to Not Configured.

When trying to restart Network Configuration Manager Services, the following error is displayed when Device Server Service is already running:


To verify the Network Configuration Manager services that are running, and to manually stop them:

  • Click Task Manager > Processes on the server and search for the following processes:







  • To stop the processes click Task Manager > <process> to select the process and click, End Task.

  • To start and stop all the Network Configuration Manager services, run:

    [Product Home]/bin/ script

This platform is not supported. The supported Windows platform is:

Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition

Verify the server operating system is officially supported by Network Configuration Manager.

C:\Windows\system32\prodspec.ini is required to validate the OS version.

Verify the following:

  • The prodspec.ini file exists

  • The operating system you are installing on is officially supported by Network Configuration Manager

The Windows IIS service must be disabled.

The Windows IIS service uses ports required by Apache Web Server and must be disabled before installing Network Configuration Manager.

Stop and disable the following services in the Service Management Console:

  • World Wide Web Publishing Service


  • IIS Admin Service.

Failed to open C:\Windows which is required for vcredist_x86.exe validation.

Verify the server operating system is officially supported by Network Configuration Manager.

If the server operating system is officially supported by Network Configuration Manager, ensure the %WINDIR% environment variable correctly maps to the directory where the Windows operating system is installed. (C:\Windows by default).

Could not find an installed version of Java compatible with this product. See the Install Guide for details.

Verify the following:

  • The installed version of Java is compatible with Network Configuration Manager

  • Java is installed correctly

Could not find an installed version of OpenSSL compatible with this product. See the Install Guide for details.

Verify the following:

  • The installed version of OpenSSL is compatible with Network Configuration Manager

  • OpenSSL is installed correctly

Could not find an installed version of Apache HTTP Server.

Verify the following:

  • The installed version of Apache HTTP Server is compatible with Network Configuration Manager

  • Apache HTTP Server is installed correctly

Could not find an installed version of the Visual C++ runtime compatible with this product. See the Install Guide for details.

Verify that the Visual C++ runtime libraries (vcredist_x86.exe) included with the Network Configuration Manager distribution are installed.

Could not find an installed version of Tomcat compatible with this product. See the Install Guide for details.

Verify the following:

  • The installed version of Apache Tomcat Server is compatible with Network Configuration Manager

  • Apache Tomcat Server is installed correctly

The Apache Tomcat server installation path cannot contain spaces. Please re-install Tomcat into a directory that does not contain spaces (ex: C:\Tomcat5)

  1. Uninstall Apache Tomcat

  2. Run the Apache Tomcat installer

  3. When prompted for the installation directory, enter a path that does not contain any spaces. For example, enter C:\Tomcat5.

The minimum page file size must be larger than 2000 MB.

Set the page file size to a value larger than 2000. The page file setting is located in the Advanced section of Windows System Properties.

Could not determine Perl version from perl -v command.

Verify the following:

  • perl is in the system PATH

  • perl -v returns the version information for Perl

Perl version <VERSION> does not match the required version <REQUIRED VERSION>.

Complete the following:

  • Install the required version of Perl and

  • Verify perl is in the system PATH

Perl version command (perl -v) returned an error.

Verify the following:

  • perl is in the system PATH

  • perl -v returns the version information for Perl

<FILE or DIRECTORY> is not readable.

Verify that the file or directory specified in the error is readable.

<FILE or DIRECTORY> is not writable.

Verify that the file or directory specified in the error is writable.

<FILE or DIRECTORY> is not executable.

Verify that the file or directory specified in the error is executable.

No success connecting to <HOST> on port <PROTO> <PORT> (<SERVICE>) after 10 tries.

Check the install logs for errors. A required service may have failed to start.

Port <PROTO> <PORT> on <HOST> is required by <SERVICE>, but it is in use by another process.

There is another process running that is bound to the port specified in the error. In order to proceed, you must stop the service process that is using the required port.

Extraction of failed.

Verify the following:

  • unzip is in the system PATH

  • Sufficient disk space is available in the /tmp partition

Failed to connect to the voyencedb database on host <IP>. Check that the database service is running and try again.

Verify the following:

  • The controldb service is running on the server specified in the error

  • Port TCP 5435 is reachable by the server where you are installing is required to validate the schema version.

Verify that you have sufficient disk space available in your /tmp partition.