This section describes some common troubleshooting steps, which user can follow in case the alerts from vROPS are not in synced with Smart Assurance.

Troubleshooting vROPS Alert management:

Domain Manager logs are located at $INSTALL_DIR/smarts/local/logs

Enable SAM OI logs for vROPS Alert management:

Set log level field in kafka_adapter.conf to the desired value.

Log level DEBUG

Problem and the possible reasons which mostly are around misconfigurations of fields in kafka_adapter.conf

If vROPS Alerts are not synced in the Notification log console:

  • Check that EnableKafkaSubscription field is set to TRUE. By default, it is set to FALSE. After you change the field, restart of OI is required.
  • You might have filtered the alert subscription, check the field SubscribedAlertype. Value of this field is set by default to ALL, making Smart Assurance subscribe to All alerts generated by vROPS. Change of the fields here requires the driver restart.
  • Check the DCC credentials in clientConnect.conf, and its details in kafka_adapter.conf.
  • Check Kafka credentials in clientConnect.conf, and its details in kafka_adapter.conf.
  • Check vROPS credentials in clientConnect.conf, and its details in kafka_adapter.conf.