All logs will be found in below path.


Latest processing log name will have "-0-0" appended to its name like above.

To enable logging, change the collecting configuration to push metrics/topology data to file connector like below. And after changing the configuration, operator need to restart the service to see the logging info in collecting-0-0.log.

Edit below file as specified below.:

File : <DCF-Install>/Collecting/Collector-Manager/<SP-Instance>/conf/collecting.xml
<connector enabled="true" name="File" type="File-Connector"   config="conf/file-connector.xml" />


Example: "vrops-alerts" is installed management pack name in below example.

To check the status of the installed services:
<DCF-Install>/bin/ service status all
* Checking collector-manager vrops-alerts'...       [ running ]
To restart the specific service:
<DCF-Install>/bin/ service restart collector-manager vrops-alerts
 * Stopping collector-manager vrops-alerts'...            [ OK ]
 * Starting collector-manager vrops-alerts'...            [ OK ]
Sample output (JSON) of event in Kafka:
  "groupName" : "group",
  "discoveryID" : null,
  "jobID" : "9999",
  "type" : "VirtualMachine",
  "timestamp" : 1548910968,
  "value" : 0.0,
  "action" : "r",
  "properties" : {
    "Status" : "ACTIVE",
    "adapterKindKey" : "VMWARE",
    "InstanceId" : "2bdb8c22-6f54-4089-824b-e4e3551795e3",
    "context-name" : "",
    "EventDisplayName" : "AlertDefinition-VMWARE-VMRunningOnSnapshotsForMoreThan2Days",
    "Severity" : "3",
    "source" : "VROPS-Collector",
    "type" : "VirtualMachine",
    "Certification" : "CERTIFIED",
    "Name" : "Virtual machine is running on snapshots for more than 2 days",
    "InstanceName" : "",
    "AlertId" : "a7e66b66-a2b3-4875-835e-7012003345e1",
    "ExternalSource" : "VROPS",
    "ClassName" : "VirtualMachine",
    "objType" : "alertDetail"
  "metrics" : {
    "VROPS-ALERTS-" : {
      "properties" : {
        "unit" : "code",
        "name" : "VROPS-ALERTS-"
      "value" : 0.0
  "relations" : [ ],
  "initialized" : true,
  "forceRefresh" : true,
  "name" : "a7e66b66-a2b3-4875-835e-7012003345e1"
Sample debugging (File Connector) output from collecting-0-0.log
INFO     -- [2019-04-11 01:52:32 EDT] -- CollectorManagerImpl::configure(): Parsing file '/opt/DCF/Collecting/Collector-Manager/vrops-alerts/conf/collecting.xml' ...
INFO     -- [2019-04-11 01:52:33 EDT] -- CollectorManagerImpl::getComponentInstance(): Instantiating class com.watch4net.apg.v2.collector.plugins.FileConnector for connector File...
INFO     -- [2019-04-11 01:52:33 EDT] -- CollectorManagerImpl::getComponentInstance(): Configuring connector File (FileConnector v1.0 rM) with /opt/DCF/Collecting/Collector-Manager/vrops-alerts/conf/file-connector.xml...
INFO     -- [2019-04-11 01:52:34 EDT] -- CollectorManagerImpl::getComponentInstance(): Instantiating class com.watch4net.kafka.connector.KafkaConnector for connector Kafka...
INFO     -- [2019-04-11 01:52:34 EDT] -- CollectorManagerImpl::getComponentInstance(): Configuring connector Kafka (KafkaConnector v1.0u2 rM) with /opt/DCF/Collecting/Kafka-Connector/vrops-alerts/conf/kafka-connector.xml...
INFO     -- [2019-04-11 01:52:34 EDT] -- KafkaConnector::setRecordMetadataGetTimeoutMs(): Set value of "" to: 60,000
INFO     -- [2019-04-11 01:52:34 EDT] -- CollectorManagerImpl::getComponentInstance(): Instantiating class com.watch4net.apg.v2.collector.plugins.VariableHandlingFilter for filter VHF-vrops...
INFO     -- [2019-04-11 01:52:34 EDT] -- CollectorManagerImpl::getComponentInstance(): Configuring filter VHF-vrops (VariableHandlingFilter v1.18u2 rM) with /opt/DCF/Collecting/Variable-Handling-Filter/vrops-alerts/conf/vhf-vrops.xml...
INFO     -- [2019-04-11 01:52:35 EDT] -- CollectorManagerImpl::getComponentInstance(): Instantiating class com.watch4net.apg.v2.collector.plugins.CrossReferencingFilter for filter CRF-vrops...
INFO     -- [2019-04-11 01:52:35 EDT] -- CollectorManagerImpl::getComponentInstance(): Configuring filter CRF-vrops (CrossReferencingFilter v1.7u2 rM) with /opt/DCF/Collecting/Cross-Referencing-Filter/vrops-alerts/conf/crf-vrops.xml...
INFO     -- [2019-04-11 01:52:35 EDT] -- CollectorManagerImpl::connect(): Connecting filters...
INFO     -- [2019-04-11 01:52:35 EDT] -- AbstractCollector::registerNext(): Connecting VHF-vrops to File...
INFO     -- [2019-04-11 01:52:35 EDT] -- AbstractCollector::registerNext(): Connecting CRF-vrops to VHF-vrops...
INFO     -- [2019-04-11 01:52:35 EDT] -- CollectorManagerImpl::getComponentInstance(): Instantiating class com.watch4net.apg.ubertext.collector.StreamCollector for collector VROPSAlerts...
INFO     -- [2019-04-11 01:52:35 EDT] -- CollectorManagerImpl::getComponentInstance(): Configuring collector VROPSAlerts (StreamCollector v1.4u2 rM) with /opt/DCF/Collecting/Stream-Collector/vrops-alerts/conf/vrops-alerts.xml...
INFO     -- [2019-04-11 01:52:40 EDT] -- CollectorManagerImpl::connect(): Connecting collectors...
INFO     -- [2019-04-11 01:52:40 EDT] -- AbstractCollector::registerNext(): Connecting VROPSAlerts to CRF-vrops...
INFO     -- [2019-04-11 01:52:40 EDT] -- CollectorManagerImpl::start(): Starting Collector Manager v5.10u1...
INFO     -- [2019-04-11 01:52:40 EDT] -- CollectorManagerImpl::start(): Initializing components...