Some of the common troubleshooting steps are given below, which user must follow if discovery or monitoring is not working.

Debug flags for vCD feature (ESM.import file) in ESM

  • EnableVCDDiscoveryDebug = TRUE (Default value : FALSE)
  • EnableVCDMonitoringDebug = TRUE (Default value : FALSE)
  • LogLevel = ALL (Default value : ERR)
  • IsDebug = TRUE (Default value is FALSE)

Log file in ESM:

vCD discovery logs will be dumped in the generic INCHARGE-ESM log file under local/logs directory.

Logs in DCF

Collector logs are located at <DCF_INSTALL_LOCATION>/Collecting/Collector-Manager/<collector Id>/logs/

Enabling Debug Logs for Collector in DCF

  1. Edit <DCF_INSTALL_LOCATION>/Collecting/Collector-Manager/<collector Id>/conf/ to increase log level
  2. Change the default INFO level to one of – CONFIG, FINE, FINER & FINEST (lowest value).
  3. The new log level takes effect in the next discovery.
  4. The kafka messages can also be configured to be written to file by editing <DCF_INSTALL_LOCATION>/Collecting/Collector-Manager/<collector Id>/conf/collecting.xml. Change enabled=true for file collector

    <connector enabled="true" name="File" type="File-Connector" config="Collector-Manager/<collector Id>/conf/file-connector.xml" />

Discovery can fail due to following reasons:

CloudController Credentials are incorrect

Error in the log :

SAM GUI Test Credentials fails.

DCC not responding

Error in the log :

[April 30, 2019 4:35:46 AM EDT +968ms] t@27232000 Discovery #1

NV_MESSAGE-*-NV_GENERIC-MSG ERR : [Thread-7 DCCRestClientImpl]:Error occurred while sending a request to the DCC API Connection refused (Connection refused)

Kafka Credentials are incorrect

Errors in the log :

[April 30, 2019 4:43:59 AM EDT +481ms] t@2223998720 Discovery #1

NV_MESSAGE-*-NV_GENERIC-MSG ERR : [Thread-7 DiscoveryManager]:Error while starting discovery consumer thread.Timeout expired while fetching topic metadata (invalid Kafka login credentials may trigger this error)

[April 30, 2019 4:43:59 AM EDT +481ms] t@3325163264 platform

MAIN_MSG-*-STDFD_OUT-stdout: 2019-04-30 04:43:59,478 FATAL StringKafkaListener Thread-7 Kafka listener start error: Timeout expired while fetching topic metadata (invalid Kafka login credentials may trigger this error)