This section provides information on root cause and impact analysis for various events.

Following table lists the root-cause problem diagnosed and the impacted classes.
Table 1. Root-cause problems for VCD classes
Class Root Cause Event (symptoms) of root cause Impacted Systems
Host Down Down Hypervisor
DownOrImpaired VirtualMachines
Unresponsive Host
InterfaceLostConnection Interface
Hypervisor Down DownOrImpaired VirtualMachines
HostLostConnection Hypervisor
PowerOff Hypervisor
InterfaceLostConnection Interface
VirtualMachine Down DownOrImpaired VirtualMachine
The Server Manager provides:
  • Impact analysis when a hypervisor server is down. For example, it diagnoses when a VMware hypervisor host goes down (Host Down) and identifies the impact to a virtual machine (Down).
  • Impact analysis when a physical switch is down. For example, it diagnoses when a physical switch goes down and identifies the impact to the hypervisor and virtual machines.
  • Impact analysis when a logical/tap interface is down. For example, it diagnoses when a logical interface goes down (Interface Down) and identifies the impact to a virtual machine (VMLostConnection).
  • Impact analysis when the physical interface of the hypervisor is down. For example, it diagnoses when a physical interface goes down and identifies the impact to a virtual machine.
  • Impact analysis and diagnosis when a host hosting vCloud Director is down. For example, it diagnoses when a host hosting vCloud Director goes down and identifies the impact to CloudController.

CloudController Monitoring Failure Event

Monitoring failure shows details like "error in reading kafka messages" due to which monitoring failed, This may be due to Cloud Controller down or Kafka down.

CloudController Unreachable Event

Cloud Controller Unreachable event indicates vCD (vCloud Director) is not reachable or down. Which is caused-by VM or Host which is hosting vCloud Director is down or Unresponsive.

OrganizationVDC HighMemoryUtilization Event

This event indicates that Memory for that Organization VDC is getting utilized more than the configured threshold. Details tab in notifcation window shows the FreeMemoryThreshold, FreeMemory, FreeMemoryPct and TotalMemory.

VirtualAppliance StoppedPartiallyRunningOrSuspended Event

This event indicates that one or many VMs that are part of that VirtualAppliance is either stopped or suspended or powered-off.

VM down event impacting cloud-controller

This VM down problem show Host Unresponsive and CloudController down events as impacts.