By default dynamic discovery of NSX-V components is enabled. When any new components like TransportZone, LogicalPort, EdgeGateway, TransportConnector, Tunnel, ControllerNode, LogicalSwitch, LogicalRouter is added or deleted for NSX-V, in Server Manager those objects are added to topology without any rediscovery.

By default dynamic discovery feature is not enabled in Server Manager for NSX-T Components. EnableNSXTDynamicDiscovery flag is set to FALSE in ESM.import file by default. Set the flag EnableNSXTDynamicDiscovery to TRUE in ESM.import file to enable dynamic discovery feature for NSX-T components.

The following NSX-T objects can be discovered dynamically in Server Manager:
  • LogicalSwitch Creation
  • LogicalSwitch Deletion
  • LogicalRouter Creation
  • LogicalRouter Deletion