Following table summarizes discovery, monitoring, and analysis for the Server Manager features. Each of these features is described in detail in later chapters of this book.

Table 1. Server Manager discovery, monitoring, and analysis





Atmos Management

Uses SNMP to discover the following:

  • Atmos node—IP Availability Manager and Performance Manager discovers the Atmos node as a Host. ESM imports the host data from the IP Managers and uses it to conduct further discovery.

  • Atmos service—All services running on the Atmos node.

Uses SNMP to monitor Atmos nodes and Atmos services.

Provides root-cause and impact analysis for Atmos node and Atmos service.

VMware management

Uses the vCenter API (VMware Infrastructure API) to discover the following VMware elements and associates each one with a topology element discovered by the IP Availability Manager:

  • ESX servers, discovered as Hypervisor class instances

  • Virtual machines

  • VirtualCenters

  • Virtual Datacenter

  • vSwitch

  • VirtualInterface

  • VirtualDataCenterNetwork

  • VMwareCluster

  • VMwareDatastore

  • VMwareDatastoreCluster

  • HostBusAdapter

  • IPStoragePath

  • ScsiLun

  • ScsiPath

  • DataPathRedundancyGroup

Uses the vCenter API to monitor VMware elements.

Provides root-cause and impact analysis for availability problems within VMware elements, cross-correlating host system problems, and virtual element problems.

Microsoft Hyper-V virtual server management

Uses Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) to discover Hyper-V virtual servers.

Uses WMI to monitor Hyper-V virtual servers.

Performs root-cause and impact analysis and creates notifications on Hyper-V virtual server problems and risks.

KVM hypervisor management

Uses OpenStack NOVA API to discover KVM hypervisors.

Uses the OpenStack NOVA API and RESTful web services API to monitor KVM hypervisor elements.

Performs root-cause and impact analysis and creates notifications on KVM hypervisor problems and risks.

ScaleIO management

Uses REST API to discover ScaleIO components..

Uses the RESTful web services API to monitor ScaleIO elements.

Performs root-cause and impact analysis and creates notifications on ScaleIO problems and risks.

Cluster management

  • Uses WMI access on Windows Server 2003 to discover Microsoft clusters.

Identifies the Virtual IP address associated with the cluster (protection group) and the active host system.

  • WMI—For Microsoft clusters.

Performs root-cause and impact analysis and creates notifications on cluster problems and risks.

Process monitoring

Monitors configured application processes that are running on a host. Also monitors application service groups which is a redundancy group, consisting of one or more application processes running on one or multiple hosts and on Atmos nodes.

Uses SNMP or WMI for Windows.

Cross-correlates host system problems and application process problems.

Generates an alert for a configured application process on a given host when:

  • A process is missing.

  • The number of processes per application exceeds the allowable parameter values.

Generates an alert for a configured application service group when:

  • A critical process in the application service group is missing.

  • A missing process causes a reduced redundancy situation.

  • A missing process causes an at risk situation.

  • All processes are missing.

F5 BIG-IP management

Discovers F5 BIG-IP Load Balancers by providing a new object class, the LoadBalancer class, which enables the IP Managers to discover the devices and collect the traps.

The Server Managermonitors:

  • Redundancy pairs

  • Virtual Servers

  • Level of pool member failures

  • Configuration synchronization between BIG-IP pairs

Environmental and host resource monitoring


Host resource monitoring is for Windows systems only.

For the environmental objects (Fan, TemperatureSensor, VoltageSensor, and PowerSupply), the Server Managerqueries vendor-specific MIBs for the following systems:

  • Dell OpenManager

  • Sun Management Center

  • IBM Director

  • HP Systems Insight Manager

Discovery and monitoring of host resource objects requires use of WMI.

For information about the Dell OpenManage product, refer to:

For information about the Sun Management Center, refer to:

For information about the IBM Systems Director product, refer to:

For information about the HP Systems Insight Manager, refer to:

Discovers and monitors the following environmental objects by using vendor-specific MIBs:

  • Fan

  • Power supply

  • Temperature sensor

  • Voltage sensor

Discovers and monitors the following host resource objects by using WMI only:

  • Disk

  • FileSystem

  • Host

  • Interface

  • Memory

  • MemoryGroup

  • Processor

  • ProcessorGroup

Creates notifications when objects exceed configured parameter thresholds.

F5 BIG-IP load balancer discovery and monitoring

Uses SNMP to discover load balancer hosts, virtual servers, and groups (pools) of hosts that receive traffic from the load balancer.

Discovers and monitors the following by using SNMP:

  • F5 BIG-IP load balancer host devices and Virtual IP

  • F5 BIG-IP load balancer pairs

  • F5 BIG-IP load balancer port channels and interfaces

Monitors performance of the following by using SNMP:

  • Traffic Management Microkernal (TMM) process CPU and memory

  • Management subsystem CPU and memory

  • Power supply

  • CPU and chassis temperature

  • Fan speed

  • Availability of disk drive space

Creates notifications when elements exceed configured parameter thresholds.

Storage Area Network (SAN)

Uses Web Interface API to discover the following SAN components:

  • Fabric

  • FibreChannelArrayPort

  • FibreChannelHostPort

  • FibreChannelSwitch

  • FibreChannelSwitchPort

  • StorageArray

  • StorageArrayAdapter

  • InterSwitchLink

  • ISLGroup

  • PortLink

  • PhysicalDisk

  • SparePhysicalDisk

  • RAIDGroup

Uses EMC M&R Web Interface API to monitor SAN components.

Provides root-cause and impact analysis for SAN components.

Software-Defined Networks management

Uses the RESTful web services API to discover the following VMware elements and associates each one with a topology element discovered by the IP Availability Manager.

Refer to the previous VMware management list. Plus:

  • VMware NSX Manager

  • EdgeGateway

  • Control clusters

  • Controller nodes

  • LoadBalancerVirtualServer

  • Logical ports

  • Logical router

  • Logical switches

  • Transport Node Interfaces and Transport Connectors

  • Transport zones

  • Tunnels

  • Virtual interfaces (vNIC)

  • VirtualLoadBalancerPool

  • VirtualLoadBalancerService

Uses the RESTful web services API to monitor VMware elements.

Provides root-cause and impact analysis for availability problems within VMware elements, cross-correlating host system problems, and virtual element problems.

XenServer management

Uses XenAPI to discover hypervisors and virtual machines and also its health components like memory and processor.

Uses XenAPI to monitor XenServer hypervisors and virtual machines.

Performs root-cause and impact analysis and creates notifications on XenServer problems and risks.