Configure each managed host to allow the domain user to run WMI queries. You can do this either locally on that host or remotely.


If configuring a remote machine, use a domain administrative account. A local administrative account will not work.

To configure WMI access on the managed hosts:

  1. Log in as an administrator (either local or remote administrator) to the target host.

  2. At the Windows Start command, select Run, and type wmimgmt.msc to open theWindows Management Infrastructure (WMI) window.

  3. Right-click WMI Control (Local), and select Properties.


    If configuring remote settings for WMI privileges, right-click WMI Control (Local), and select Connect to another computer. Type the name of the remote host, and click OK. From this point forward, configuration changes will be applied to the selected host rather than to the local one.

  4. In the WMI Control (Local) Properties window, click Security.

  5. In the namespace tree, select Root > Security.


    By selecting the Security option in Root, you are allowing WMI queries to all available WMI providers. In case Root cannot be used, use CIMV2. This option is not recommended.

  6. Click Add to access the Select Users or Groups dialog box.

  7. Type the user name in the following format: <domain name\username>.

  8. For example: MYDOMAIN\DOMAINUSER.

  9. Click OK to return to the Security for Root dialog box.

  10. Ensure that the newly added user name is highlighted in the list.

  11. Click Advanced to open the Advanced Security Settings for Root (or Root, in some systems).

  12. Select the newly created user name from the list, and click Edit (or View/Edit, in some systems).

  13. Set Apply on to: This namespace and subnamespaces.

  14. Select Allow for the following Permissions: Remote Enable and Execute Methods.

  15. Click OK.

  16. Continue to click OK until all of the dialog boxes are closed and then close the WMI Management Console window.

  17. Select Yes if you encounter the following message:

    Save console settings to winmgmt?