The Server Manager provides:

  • Impact analysis and diagnosis when a KVM hypervisor server is down. For example, it diagnoses when a KVM hypervisor host goes down (Host Down) and identifies the impact to a virtual machine (Down).

  • Impact analysis and diagnosis when a physical switch is down. For example, it diagnoses when a physical switch goes down and identifies the impact to the hypervisor and virtual machines.

  • Impact analysis and diagnosis when a logical/tap interface is down. For example, it diagnoses when a logical interface goes down (Interface Down) and identifies the impact to a virtual machine (VMLostConnection).

  • Impact analysis and diagnosis when a vRouter is down. For example, it diagnoses when a vRouter goes down and identifies the impact to a virtual machine.

  • Impact analysis and diagnosis when a virtual interface is down. For example, it diagnoses when the virtual interface of a vRouter or vitual machine goes down and identifies the impact to a virtual machine.

  • Impact analysis and diagnosis when a Open vSwitch is down. For example, it diagnoses when Open vSwitch goes down and identifies the impact to a virtual machine.

  • Impact analysis and diagnosis when the physical interface of the hypervisor is down. For example, it diagnoses when a physical interface goes down and identifies the impact to a virtual machine.

  • Impact analysis and diagnosis when a host hosting OpenStack service is down. For example, it diagnoses when a host hosting OpenStack service down goes down and identifies the impact to CloudController and VMs.