Fulfill the following prerequisites before starting the installation:

  • Ensure that you have superuser (User ID 0) or administrative privileges on the target host. The installation program will halt if you do not have the appropriate privileges.

  • Ensure that the required operating system patches have been installed. Clicking More Information during the installation process will launch the System Information window and the Pass/Fail status of the operating system patches. The Support Matrix provides information on operating system patches.
  • Determine the location of the Broker.

    You must specify the location of the Broker during a new installation of the software. Typically, this location is chosen during the design of the software deployment and before any installation begins. Consult with your deployment planner or check the build guide that documents your deployment to determine the name of the host where the Broker was installed and the port that the Broker uses.

    If the location is the same host where you are installing this product, the installation program will automatically install the Broker if it is not already on the host.

  • (Service Assurance Manager only) Decide whether your operators will use the Service Assurance Manager Notification Console (classic SAM functionality).

  • Configure the host, to ensure that ElasticSearch is up and running:
    1. Open the /etc/sysctl.conf file, and add the following line:


    2. In the /etc/security/limits.conf file, add the following lines for the user:
      smarts hard nofile 65536 
      smarts soft nofile 65536 
      smarts hard nproc 65536 
      smarts soft nproc 65536
      Note: In this case, the user is smarts.
  • The installation process utilizes /tmp as a staging area for files, however there will be an installation failure, if /tmp lacks sufficient space or does not permit program execution (if /tmp is mounted with a noexec option as specified in /etc/fstab). It is advisable to establish an alternative temporary area for installation by creating a directory on a file system with ample space and executable privileges. This can be achieved by setting the IATEMPDIR environment variable. For example:
    mkdir /opt/tmp
    export IATEMPDIR=/opt/tmp
  • During upgrade, if you receive the error – "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space", then follow the workaround:
    1. Clear the /tmp directory of the files/directories (install.dir<pid>) related to prior Smarts installation attempts.
    2. Run the installer with the following options:
      Specify JVM initial heap size. using: -jvmxms <size>
      Specify JVM maximum heap size using: -jvmxmx <size>
      For example:
      ./setup-SAM-10_1_12_0-linux64.bin -i console -jvmxms 16m -jvmxmx 64m