The utility re-encrypts the security files and the seed files, then restarts the processes once the phrase and encryption changes are made. Use the utility to change the old secret phrase and re-encrypt the files affected by the secret.

The sm_rebond utility shuts down all of the processes run from the suite that were started by using sm_service or sm_serviced, and that use the same imk.dat file. All other processes should be shut down manually before running the utility and restarted once the utility is finished.

The sm_rebond utility prompts for the old secret phrase and the new phrase, then generates an imk.dat file and updates all the files containing encrypted information. The utility then generates an imk.dat file and updates all the files containing encrypted information. The sm_rebond utility affects all the applications that run on the same host and use the same imk.dat file

Note: The sm_rebond utility encrypts only files that reside in BASEDIR/smarts/local/conf and three levels of subdirectories below that. To encrypt files outside of that directory area, contact technical support.


  1. Use the sm_rebond utility.
    You must enter this command with administrative privileges. For the <base directory>, enter the path for the directory in which the software that is to be rebonded is installed.
    sm_rebond --basedir=<base directory>
  2. When the utility prompts for the new secret phase, enter it.
    The secret phrase can consist of a combination of printable characters, integers and special characters. The secret phrase cannot be more than 1,024 characters long.
  3. Re-enter the new secret to confirm it.
  4. Close the utility.