You can change the settings for the SolutionPack from the SolutionPack Reconfiguration page.

Table 1. SolutionPack Reconfiguration Fields
Field Description
Socket Collector port On this TCP port on the Primary Backend, the Arbiter is accepting the remote connections from all LBCs.
APG Backend hostname or IP address The hostname of the server where the apg database and its backend service are running. In this deployment, the possible options are backend and backend2. Do not use "localhost" for the default apg on the primary backend.
APG Backend data port

Each apg has a backend and each backend has its own TCP port to receive raw data. The port must be unique only inside the server. Refer to Installing and configuring the Additional Backend hosts.

In this installation, the ports are 2000, 2100, 2200, 2300 and 2400.

Web-Service Gateway Each APG server has a Web-Service Gateway. This hostname must point to the APG server with the backend service.
Backend Web-Service Instance
The backend instance name. In this deployment, the possible values are:
  • Default (the default backend instance name from primary backend)
  • apg1
  • apg2
  • apg3
  • apg4
Backend database type MySQL by default.
Backend database hostname or IP address The hostname where the MySQL database is running. By default, it is same as the APG Backend hostname.
Backend database port number The port on which MySQL is accepting remote TCP connections. By default, it is 53306 .
Backend Database name The database name used in MySQL. For example, apg, apg1, apg2.
Backend database username The user configured in MySQL. The default is "apg"
Backend database password The default password for the MySQL user is "watch4net"