To add a new license to your system, such as a newly purchased license, upload a new license file.
When you upload a license file, the new file affects all servers capable of using the licenses.
- Purchase the required licenses.
- Download the new license file to a local server, as directed by VMware Smart Assurance during the purchase process.
- Log in to the Centralized Management UI using the following URL:
- In the navigation pane, select Licenses Management.
- Click Upload at the top of the page.
The License Upload dialog appears.
- Click Browse and locate the new license file that you downloaded.
- Click OK.
The system extracts the licenses and displays them in the table on the Licenses Listing pane.
- When the License Upload Complete dialog appears, click OK, and then click Continue.
The new license automatically affects all servers capable of using the license.
- Delete the trial licenses that correspond to newly licensed features, if any.