Learn how to update installed SolutionPacks and other components.


  1. Navigate to the installed SolutionPacks page: https://<Frontend IP address>:58443/centralized-management/#/sp
  2. Depending on which SolutionPacks or components you want to update, click the appropriate button:
    Option Description
    Update all of the installed SolutionPacks and other components Click the Update All Components button in the top-right corner of the page.
    Update all of the installed SolutionPacks Click the Select All button located below the SolutionPacks table, and then click the Update button.
    Update all of the installed other components Click the Select All button located below the Other Components table, and then click the Update button.
    Update individual SolutionPacks or other components In the SolutionPacks table or the Other Components table, click the update icon for the SolutionPacks or other components that you want to update.
    The Initialization window opens and lists the following details:
    • Number of components from SolutionPacks that will be updated to the latest version.
    • Number of components that contain new features that require configuration.
  3. Click Next.
    The Configuration window opens. The left-hand pane lists each of the components that include new features that you need to configure. The right-hand pane displays the configuration details for the component with the new features highlighted in yellow. Carefully review the selections to make sure the configuration details for the components and SolutionPacks are correct, and modify any configuration that are not set correctly. When you have finished configuring a component, click Next to move onto the next component. After you have configured every component on the list, click Next.
  4. The Confirmation window opens and lists all of the components that will be updated. Confirm that all of the components are correctly listed, and then click Update.
    The Update window opens and displays the progress of each update and the percentage complete of the overall update. Do not close the browser window during this step. When the installation is complete, the Results page opens.
  5. The Update window opens and displays the progress of each update and the percentage complete of the overall update. Do not close the browser window during this step.

    The update process detects if any manual edits were made to the SolutionPack files. If a manually edited file is compatible with the new version of the SolutionPack, it will be reused and the system will display a message to let you know. If a manually edited file is not compatible with the new version of the SolutionPack, the system will back up the file and display a warning message that indicates the name and location of the incompatible file. The backed up files are saved in their current directory with the following format: <file-name>-old-<version>_<date>.<ext>

    Messages about an incompatible tmsconfig file can safely be ignored. Similar warnings while updating generic-snmp about incompatible files for module 'snmp-collector' can also safely be ignored.

  6. The Results window opens. Use the drop-down menu to check the status of each component. Any manually edited files that were backed up by the system will be displayed under “Updated with warnings.”