Learn how to install and configure the Primary Backend hosts.
- Identify the host you want to configure as the Primary Backend host.
- Identify the hosts you want to configure as the Frontend, Collectors, and Additional Backends.
- Minimum System Requirements:
- CPU: 4
- Memory: 24 GB
- Disk Space: 150 GB HDD
- Start the installation as described in Installing VMware Smart Assurance M&R on UNIX.
- When you are prompted to select the installation type, choose the "backend" option and complete the installation.
- Configure the user process limits as described in Configuring the user process limits for a Linux installation.
- Set the Maximum Java Heap Size in the /opt/APG/Backends/Topology-Service/Default/conf/unix-service.properties file to 6144 MB.
- Reconfigure the topology service to commit the change.
/opt/APG/bin/manage-modules.sh service update topology-service
/opt/APG/bin/manage-modules.sh service start topology-service
- Allow remote access to the databases.
Note: From MnR, user has to be created explicitly before grant access and follow these steps for all servers and DBs:
<APG>/bin/mysql-command-runner.sh -c <APG>/Tools/MySQL-Maintenance-Tool/Default/conf/mysql-
root-mysql.xml -Q "CREATE USER 'apg'@'<FQDN-New-Server>' IDENTIFIED BY 'watch4net';"
<APG>/bin/mysql-command-runner.sh -c <APG>/Tools/MySQL-Maintenance-Tool/Default/conf/mysql-
root-mysql.xml -Q "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON \`apg\`.* TO 'apg'@'<FQDN-New-Server>';"
On the primary backend, replace
<FQDN-New-Server> with localhost, Collectors, Backends and Frontend hosts Fully Qualified Domain names:
<APG>/bin/mysql-command-runner.sh -c <APG>/Tools/MySQL-Maintenance-Tool/Default/conf/mysql-root-mysql.xml -Q "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON \`compliance\`.* TO 'apg'@'<FQDN-New-Server>' IDENTIFIED BY 'watch4net';"
<APG>/bin/mysql-command-runner.sh -c <APG>/Tools/MySQL-Maintenance-Tool/Default/conf/mysql-root-mysql.xml -Q "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON \`apg\`.* TO 'apg'@'<FQDN-New-Server>' IDENTIFIED BY 'watch4net';"
<APG>/bin/mysql-command-runner.sh -c <APG>/Tools/MySQL-Maintenance-Tool/Default/conf/mysql-root-mysql.xml -Q "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON \`events\`.* TO 'apg'@'<FQDN-New-Server>' IDENTIFIED BY 'watch4net';"
<APG>/bin/mysql-command-runner.sh -c <APG>/Tools/MySQL-Maintenance-Tool/Default/conf/mysql-root-mysql.xml -Q "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON \`master\`.* TO 'apg'@'<FQDN-New-Server>' IDENTIFIED BY 'watch4net';"
<APG>/bin/mysql-command-runner.sh -c <APG>/Tools/MySQL-Maintenance-Tool/Default/conf/mysql-root-mysql.xml -Q "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON \`topology\`.* TO 'apg'@'<FQDN-New-Server>' IDENTIFIED BY 'watch4net';"
- Start the backend services:
Option |
Description |
Linux |
manage-module.sh service start all |
- Verify that all of the services are running:
Option |
Description |
Linux |
manage-module.sh service status all |