Learn how to install and configure the Primary Backend hosts.


  • Identify the host you want to configure as the Primary Backend host.
  • Identify the hosts you want to configure as the Frontend, Collectors, and Additional Backends.
  • Minimum System Requirements:
    • CPU: 4
    • Memory: 24 GB
    • Disk Space: 150 GB HDD


  1. Start the installation as described in Installing VMware Smart Assurance M&R on UNIX.
  2. When you are prompted to select the installation type, choose the "backend" option and complete the installation.
  3. Configure the user process limits as described in Configuring the user process limits for a Linux installation.
  4. Set the Maximum Java Heap Size in the /opt/APG/Backends/Topology-Service/Default/conf/unix-service.properties file to 6144 MB.
  5. Reconfigure the topology service to commit the change.
    /opt/APG/bin/manage-modules.sh service update topology-service
    /opt/APG/bin/manage-modules.sh service start topology-service
  6. Allow remote access to the databases.
    Note: From MnR, user has to be created explicitly before grant access and follow these steps for all servers and DBs:
    <APG>/bin/mysql-command-runner.sh -c <APG>/Tools/MySQL-Maintenance-Tool/Default/conf/mysql-
    root-mysql.xml -Q "CREATE USER 'apg'@'<FQDN-New-Server>' IDENTIFIED BY 'watch4net';"
    <APG>/bin/mysql-command-runner.sh -c <APG>/Tools/MySQL-Maintenance-Tool/Default/conf/mysql-
    root-mysql.xml -Q "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON \`apg\`.* TO 'apg'@'<FQDN-New-Server>';"
    On the primary backend, replace <FQDN-New-Server> with localhost, Collectors, Backends and Frontend hosts Fully Qualified Domain names:
    <APG>/bin/mysql-command-runner.sh -c <APG>/Tools/MySQL-Maintenance-Tool/Default/conf/mysql-root-mysql.xml -Q "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON \`compliance\`.* TO 'apg'@'<FQDN-New-Server>' IDENTIFIED BY 'watch4net';"
    <APG>/bin/mysql-command-runner.sh -c <APG>/Tools/MySQL-Maintenance-Tool/Default/conf/mysql-root-mysql.xml -Q "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON \`apg\`.* TO 'apg'@'<FQDN-New-Server>' IDENTIFIED BY 'watch4net';"
    <APG>/bin/mysql-command-runner.sh -c <APG>/Tools/MySQL-Maintenance-Tool/Default/conf/mysql-root-mysql.xml -Q "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON \`events\`.* TO 'apg'@'<FQDN-New-Server>' IDENTIFIED BY 'watch4net';"
    <APG>/bin/mysql-command-runner.sh -c <APG>/Tools/MySQL-Maintenance-Tool/Default/conf/mysql-root-mysql.xml -Q "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON \`master\`.* TO 'apg'@'<FQDN-New-Server>' IDENTIFIED BY 'watch4net';"
    <APG>/bin/mysql-command-runner.sh -c <APG>/Tools/MySQL-Maintenance-Tool/Default/conf/mysql-root-mysql.xml -Q "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON \`topology\`.* TO 'apg'@'<FQDN-New-Server>' IDENTIFIED BY 'watch4net';"
  7. Start the backend services:
    Option Description
    Linux manage-module.sh service start all
  8. Verify that all of the services are running:
    Option Description
    Linux manage-module.sh service status all