Before you upgrade the platform in your Linux environment, you must run the setup script on each server.


Note: If you have enabled Online Update for your system, the automatic update process has already downloaded and distributed the modules to each server, and you can skip this section. For information about enabling and configuring Online Update, refer to Automate the Download of Updates.
  • Identify the servers that you plan to upgrade and back up all necessary files.
  • Ensure that a login with root credentials is available.
  • If you have not enabled Online Update, download the Linux setup script (<product name>_<version number> from your product page on the VMware Smart Assurance support website.


  1. Use a tool such as SCP to upload the setup script to a temporary directory on every server that you plan to upgrade.
  2. Log in to the server as root.
  3. Navigate to the temporary directory and make the setup script executable. For example:
    chmod +x
  4. Run the setup script for your product. For example:
  5. Answer the questions as directed. For example, accept the EULA and use the defaults for the installation directory and the package installation. A warning message may display when modules are updated. For example,
     " WARNING message will be provided for those module which has an update"
    For example
    Identifier                          Instance               : Category         Module Name                         Version Revision OS-Arch   Status
       ----------------------------------- ---------------------- - ---------------- ----------------------------------- ------- -------- --------- ---------------------------
     * active-cache                        Alert-Consolidation    : Event-Processing Active-Cache                        v1.1    r31744   linux-x64
     * active-cache                        emc-smarts             : Event-Processing Active-Cache                        v1.1    r31744   linux-x64
     ! administration-tool                 Default                : Tools            Administration-Tool                 v1.3u1  r53752   linux-x64 can be updated to v1.4u1
     ! alert-consolidation                 Alert-Consolidation    : Block            alert-consolidation                 v3.6.1  r11870             can be updated to v4.0
     ! alerting-backend                    Default                : Backends         Alerting-Backend                    v3.8u1  r54289   linux-x
     Warning: if a newer version of the module-manager is available, please make sure it gets updated before any other module.


Your system is now prepared for update.

What to do next

Repeat these steps for each Linux server you want to upgrade.