Generally, products are distributed with a self-signed SSL certificate. If you receive an SSL certificate error or a blank pane when you are attempting to access content served by a data source, resolve the issue by doing one of the following procedures.

SSL certificate error examples provides a list of sample errors.

Temporary resolution

Accept the certificate exception temporarily: Troubleshooting an SSL certificate error: Accepting the exception.

Permanent resolution

Add an SSL certificate to your truststore to permanently prevent the exceptions from appearing.

You can: Perform:
Install the self-signed SSL certificate that is provided with the product using an Internet Explorer browser. Installing a self-signed SSL certificate from an Internet Explorer browser
Install the self-signed SSL certificate that is provided with the product using a Chrome or Firefox browser.
  1. Export the self-signed SSL certificate to save it to the export location: Exporting an SSL certificate from an Internet Explorer browser
  2. Importing an SSL certificate into your truststore
Import an exported SSL certificate that you or another administrator prepared. Importing an SSL certificate into your truststore

If you need to prepare an SSL certificate to share with other users, use: Exporting an SSL certificate from an Internet Explorer browser.