
  • Core modules must be up-to-date in all servers because not all module dependencies are validated during the SolutionPack installation or update process.


  1. Click Administration .
  2. Click Centralized Management.
  3. Click SolutionPack Center.
  4. Select the SolutionPack in the Browse and Install SolutionPacks window.
  5. Click Install.
  6. Type the instance name.
  7. Assign a server for each component.
    In a typical four server deployment, the recommended servers are selected automatically.
  8. Click Next.
    The window displays a note about Alert Consolidation.
  9. Click Next.
    The window displays pre-configured alert details.
  10. To receive alerts, select Enable the Host PowerPath Alerts.
  11. In Recipient for email alerts, enter the email addresses in which to send the alerts.
  12. Click Next.
    The window displays data collection details.
  13. From the Data collection drop-down menu, select existing settings that have been specified for other components, or select Add a new data collection.
    If you select Add a new data collection, type information about the data collection. In Hostname or IP address to send data to, use localhost on port 2020, which is the Collector host where the Load Balancer Connector is installed.
  14. From the Frontend Web service drop-down menu, select existing settings that have been specified for other components, or select Add a new Frontend Web service.
    If you select Add a new Frontend Web service, type information about the Frontend Web service.
  15. Leave Enable Topology Backend on data collected checked.
  16. From the Topology Service drop-down menu, select existing settings that have been specified for other components, or select Add a new Topology Service.
    If you select Add a new Topology service, provide information about the topology service and the web service. In Topology Service hostname or IP address, specify the Primary Backend.
    From the Web-Service Gateway drop-down menu, select existing settings that have been specified for other components, or select Add new gateway. If you select Add new gateway, provide information about the web-service gateway where the topology service resides.
  17. Optionally, select Do you want to configure advanced settings to configure the metric collection level, polling intervals, collection thread settings, and the re-synch interval.
    1. In Metric Collect Level, select the level of metrics you want the SolutionPack to collect per VMware collector block. The Metric Collect Level is an internal setting that tells the SolutionPack for VMware vCenter how much data to collect. This setting is not related to vCenter statistics levels.
      Collect-Level 1 collects the minimum required metrics related to capacity, topology, memory, and CPU.
      Collect-Level 2 collects all metrics supported by Collect-Level 1 and additionally all metrics related to disks and memory.
      Collect-Level 3 collects all supported metrics, which includes metrics collected under Collect-Level 1 and Collect-Level 2.
    2. In Polling interval for VMware vCenter collection, select a polling interval.
    3. In Polling interval for VM files only, select a polling interval.
    4. In Number of collecting threads, enter the number of collection threads.
    5. In Number of collecting threads for VM files, enter the number of collection threads.
    6. In Re-Sync interval, select an interval.
  18. Click Next.
  19. From Event database, select a database.
    If you select Add a new Event Database, add the Primary Backend host in the Database hostname or IP address field.
  20. Click Next.
    The window displays reports settings.
  21. Click Next.
  22. Select Collect performance metrics for PowerPath Bus to collect performance metrics for all the logical Bus managed by PowerPath agent.
  23. Select Collect performance metrics for PowerPath LUNs to collect performance metrics for all the logical devices managed by PowerPath agent.
  24. Select Collect PowerPath range-bound performance metrics to collect range-bound performance metrics. Selecting this option increases metric count significantly. Be sure to correctly size your application before enabling this option.
  25. Select Do you want to configure advanced settings to set the absolute path location of the sudo and pbrun binaries.
  26. Click Install.
  27. Click Ok. Monitor the installation logs to ensure that the installation completes successfully.
  28. Click Discovery Center > Devices Management.
  29. Click VMware vCenter (vmware-vcenter-collect <version>) for data collection and/or VMware vCenter (vmware-vcenter-events <version>) for vCenter events collection.
    These steps describe how to add VMware vCenter hosts individually. For information about using discovery groups to use the same credentials to discover multiple VMware vCenter hosts, see Adding devices to discovery groups.
  30. Click Add New Device.
  31. From Server, select the server where the device will be dispatched.
  32. From Instance, select the instance of the vmware-vcenter-collect where the device will be dispatched.
  33. In Hostname or IP address, type the vCenter service host. Enter the Username and Password used to poll vCenter.
  34. Click Ok.
  35. Click Save.