Use this procedure to define the CDR link.


  1. Execute the command: change ip-services.
     change ip-services                                            Page 1 of 4
                                   IP SERVICES
     Service      Enabled       Local      Local       Remote       Remote
    Type                      Node       Port        Node         Port
    CDR1                       clan1       0         prognosis      50000
  2. To define a primary CDR link, enter the following details:
    • Service Type: CDR1 - If CDR1 already exists, add a new destination by defining the Service Type to CDR2 (or as appropriate).
    • Local Node: clan1 - Add the node name for the CLAN (S85xx or S87xx series) or PROCR (S8300 series).
      Note: Execute list node-names ip all command to view the node name that refers to the ACM IP Address.
    • Local Port: 0 - The Local Port is fixed to 0 as Avaya Communication Manager initiates the CDR link.
    • Remote Node: - This is the name you specified in change node-names ip step 3 in the previous section (Adding node names for CDR monitoring).
    • Remote Port: - Set port to 5001. This is the port where the SolutionPack listens for the CDR data. With multiple Avaya hosts, all send data to the same port on the SP host.
  3. Disable the Reliable Session Protocol (RSP) from the CDR link by setting the Reliable Protocol field to n.
  4. Use Esc n to get to the SESSION LAYER TIMERS page. Set the value for the CDR you used in the previous screen for the Reliable Protocol to n. For example:
                               SESSION LAYER TIMERS
     Service   Reliable    Packet Resp    Session Connect   SPDU   Connectivity Type     Protocol      Timer         Message Cntr     Cntr      Timer
    CDR1          n          30            3                3         60
  5. Press Esc + e to save and exit.