This list includes the "out-of -the box" reports available with this .

Some top-level reports include additional sub-level reports with specific metrics related to the top-level report.

  • CPU Utilization for System %
  • CPU Utilization for Calls %
  • CPU Utilization %
  • Avaya Health
  • Busy Calls
    • Data
    • Media
    • Service
    • Total
    • Voice
  • Calls completed
    • Data
    • Media
    • Service
    • Total
    • Voice
  • Other Reports
    • Alarm Occurrences
    • Number of Connections to Switch
    • More Reports
      • Registered Phone Summary
      • Port Network Summary
        • Avaya CDR Reports - Call Data Records (Call Detail and Duration)

        • Avaya RTCP Reports - RTCP Summary Report (all network with Source of the call)
      • Media Gateways
      • Network Region Report
      • Occupancy Summary Report
        • Occupancy - Reports time 000 till 2300 - for last 24 hours
        • Calls Summary Report
        • Connections Summary Report
        • Idle Occupancy Report
      • Trunk Group Report
        • Trunk Group Inventory Report
        • Trunk Group Member Report