
  • Determine whether you need a SolutionPack license file by checking the feature names and expiration dates listed in Centralized Management > License Management. If the license is not listed, obtain one by completing a Support Request (SR) form, which you can find on the support website

  • Make sure the core modules, such as the Module-Manager, are up-to-date on all servers since not all module dependencies are validated during the SolutionPack installation. See the Watch4net Installation and Configuration Guide provides for more information.


  1. Log in to Centralized Management.
  3. Select the SolutionPack for SCOM in the Browse and Install SolutionPacks screen.
  4. Read the summary information and click Install.
    You can select either Simple or Advanced as the configuration mode. Simple mode lets you select Windows authentication for database access. Advanced mode is typically for the user who is configuring the SQL server connection using the JDBC driver.
  5. When you select Simple as the configuration mode for the OperationsManagerDW (SCOM Operations Manager Data Warehouse) database, set these values:
    • Hostname or IP address of the database server
    • Database port
    • Instance name
    • Choose if you want to use Windows authentication
    • Username
    • Password
  6. When you select Advanced as the configuration mode for the OperationsManagerDW database, set these values:
    • Connection string
    • Username
    • Password

What to do next

After the installation is complete, select Centralized Management > SolutionPack to verify the installed SolutionPack.