Depending on your business needs, you can customize which tools are available for the user in the Notification view. When you create the M&R user, the value that you select for the User Status field determines which tools will appear for the view.

By default, for a non-administrator user (Normal user), all tools except Associate User and Clear Customizations are enabled. All tools are enabled for the admin user (Global Administrator).


  1. Go to the <installdirectory>/APG/Web-Servers/Tomcat/Default/webapps/dojoviews/WEB-INF/classes/resources/view/AlertView directory.
  2. Edit the userStatus section in the SmartsAlertTools.xml file.
    Change the values to true or false. Do not edit other sections of the file.
    <status name ="Global Administrator" isAdministrator="true"
    <status name ="Normal User" isAdministrator="false"
    The Audible Alert tool is not listed because it cannot be enabled or disabled.
  3. Save the file.
  4. Restart the Tomcat services.
  5. Verify by logging in as the user, select Operations > Network > Notifications, and select the gear icon near the Notification view.