The owner must be set to a value. Any value is acceptable, as long as there is one. (i.e. John Smith, Sysadmin).
- The tag must be set to a meaningful value. (IcmpEcho to www.google.com).
Leave the buckets-of-history-kept, distributions-of-statistics-kept, filter-for-history, hops-of-statisticskept, hours-of-statistics-kept, lives-of-history-kept, paths-of-statistics-kept, samples-of-history-kept, statistics-distribution-interval and other parameters related to probe history/statistics to their DEFAULT VALUE when creating the probe on the Cisco device.
The probe frequency can be set to any number. However, keep in mind that this should be a reasonable value, such as 30, 60, 120, 240 or 300 seconds. Reports might seem a bit erratic if the probe frequency does not match the polling frequency: a “sawtooth” pattern may appear in the probe number of completed operations graph and packet metrics. This is normal but may be a bit alarming to a new user.
- The probe's life must be set to “forever”, as they will be used for performance and trending purposes.