Use the Configuration Manager to apply a centralized copy of configuration settings to all IP Managers in your deployment.
- Log in to the M&R platform with your administrator username and password.
- Select .
- Select the Configuration Manager (Default: INCHARGE-CM).
- Ensure that the IP Managers are assigned.
- If not, add the IP Managers: Adding an IP Manager to Configuration Manager
- To keep IP Managers assigned but disabled: Disabling an IP Manager from Configuration Manager control
- To remove IP Managers: Removing an IP Manager from Configuration Manager control
- Click one of the following: Polling, Thresholds, Device Access, Tagging, or an IP Manager for discovery configuration and make your configurations accordingly:
- To configure settings for a selected group: Configuring settings for a selected group
- To configuring matching criteria: Configuring matching criteria for a selected group
- To configure target domains: Configuring target domains for a selected group
- To add a description: Adding a description for a selected group
- To configure device access: Configuring device access for a selected group
- To configure tagging: Configuring unique identifier tags for a selected group
- To configure the discovery process: Configuring discovery settings
- To configure discovery filters: Configuring discovery filters
- To create more groups: Adding a new group
- To delete groups: Deleting a group
- To change the priority order of the groups: Changing the priority of the groups
- To copy the configuration of a group to make a new group: Copying the configuration of a group
- Start the services for one or more IP Managers.
Linux: Issue the command:
/opt/InCharge/IP/smarts/bin/sm_service start <service_name>
Before you start the service, if you have not already done so, you need to issue the sm_service install command to register the product: sm_service install commands for Linux.
- Click Push Settings:
- If you changed configuration settings for one of the target IP Managers.
- After you enabled the Config Enabled attribute for a target IP Manager.
The Configuration Manager transfers the settings whenever the IP Managers connect or are reconnected, or when you click Push Settings.