For each event that can be fired by the core Network Configuration Manager server, there is a corresponding transform definition inside an XML file that takes the native event, and transforms it into a set of well defined name-value pairs. These name-value pairs correspond to the subject line and the body of the email to be sent.

The subject line and the body of the email message for each event are defined inside the transform file Mail_Transform.xml located in the following directory:


This file is set up to map one event to a set of name-value pairs. The Generic Mail Transformer reads the transform definition for a particular event, and builds a Properties object. In the case of Mail integration adapters, the resulting Properties object would contain entries for “subject” and “body”.

The JavaMail transport takes the transformed event, and creates a JavaMail-compliant multi-part MIME message out of:

  • The name-value pairs that represent the “transformed” event

  • The to_address and from_address. The to_address and from_address values are specified via the E-Mail Integration adapters XML configuration file, but can be overridden on an individual basis by adding property nodes to the transform with keys as to_address and from_address.

    Once the MIME message is created, it is sent to the specified JavaMail session object. As with the to_address and from_address, this configuration parameter is specified in the XML configuration file. This JavaMail session object is found through the JNDI name of the JavaMail session object specified in the configuration file.

    The JavaMail object referenced by this JNDI name is configured as part of Network Configuration Manager installation. The type of transport this JavaMail session uses depends on how it is configured during installation. Currently, supported outgoing mail transports are SMTP and IMAP.