For each event that can be fired by the core the Network Configuration Manager server, there is a corresponding transform definition inside an XML file that takes the native event and transforms it into a formatted string representing the event handled. This formatted string represents the information that is written to the flat file.

The format of the event string is defined inside the transform file Flatfile_Transform.xml located in the following directory:


This file is set up to map one Network Configuration Manager event to a set of name-value pairs. The Generic Flatfile Transformer reads the transform definition for a particular event, and builds a Properties object. In case of a flat file, the resulting Properties object would contain an entry with a key as EVENTSTRING, and value as the transformed event.

The flat file transport takes the transformed event, and writes it to the end of a file. The file name is specified by the Flat File Integration adapters XML configuration file.

Data written to a file by the flat file transformer, is done in a concurrent, access-safe manner. This allows the consumer of data contained in the file to adopt a locking strategy that ensures there are no race conditions, with respect to reading and/or modifying data from the file.