The ability to manage the usage of IP Address has four options:

  • Pack Usages

  • Change IP Address Status

  • View the Associates of the IP Address

  • Add Exclude Range

The Change Status features allows you to modify the status of an IP address range without deleting the range.

Note: Changing the status only affects the status for the specified range, not the entire address pool.

The current status options are:

  • Ready - Identifies the IP address ranges that can be used for device IP address comparison or inserted in an editor

  • Used - Identifies the IP address ranges that are currently being utilized

  • Held - Identifies IP address ranges that have been assigned by Network Configuration Manager -- but not yet deployed to a device

  • Excluded - Identifies address ranges that are currently excluded from use in Network Configuration Manager.

To change the status of an IP Address range,

  1. From the menu bar, select Tools -> System Administration .

  2. Next, select Network -> Address Pool. The Address Pools List window opens. All existing IP Address Pools are listed.  

  3. Select an Address pool, then click Manage Usages. The Manage Address Usages window opens.



  4. Select the IP address row, then click Change Status. The Change Usage Status window opens.

  5. From the drop-down list, select the new status for the IP Address.

  6. Click OK. The Change Usage Status window closes, and the Manage Address Usages window updates.